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Package Summary

The airbus_ssm_core package

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Ludovic Delval <led AT ipa.fhg DOT de>
  • Author: Ludovic Delval <led AT ipa.fhg DOT de>
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Source: git (branch: master)

The SSM_core package is a SMACH overhaul including an interpretor of SCXML files.(SCXML standard). It creates a finite state machine (based on SMACH) using the data from the SCXML file. It can be usefull if you want to create a state machine using a GUI that generate a SCXML file like :

Creation of SCXML file

Here is a example of a SCXML file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scxml initial="Input Number">
        <data id="skill_file" expr="${airbus_ssm_tutorial}/resources/skills.xml"/>
    <state id="Input Number">
            <data id="skill" expr="Input"/>
        <transition event="Out" target="Primes"/>
        <transition event="Test" target="IsPrime"/>
        <transition event="Retry" target="Input Number"/>
    <state id="Primes">
            <data id="skill" expr="Primes"/>
        <transition event="Off" target="End"/>
        <transition event="Reset" target="Input Number"/>
        <transition event="Continue" target="Input Number"/>
    <state id="IsPrime">
        <transition type="external" event="Return" target="Input Number"/>
            <data id="skill" expr="isPrime"/>
    <final id="End"/>

This example SCXML file can be found in the airbus_ssm_tutorial package. It will create a very litte state machine using some keyboard entry to test if an input number is a prime number or not. This is a basic example.

There is a few constrains in order to make the SCXML file work as a SMACH state machine.

  • Set up a skill register xml file as data in the datamodel at the root level

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scxml initial="Input Number">
        <data id="skill_file" expr="${airbus_ssm_tutorial}/resources/skills.xml"/>

This file contains the informations about the predefined States you are gonna use (like importing a Module / Class in Python).

For example :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <skill name="Input"   pkg="airbus_ssm_tutorial" module="airbus_ssm_tutorial1.skills" class="Input"/>
  <skill name="isPrime" pkg="airbus_ssm_tutorial" module="airbus_ssm_tutorial1.skills" class="isPrime"/>
  <skill name="Primes"  pkg="airbus_ssm_tutorial" module="airbus_ssm_tutorial1.skills" class="Primes"/>

Explanation :

  • 'name' : The name you want to use inside the SCXML. It can be different from the class name.
  • 'pkg' : The python package where the python file containing the class is located.
  • 'module' : The python path to the file containing the class.
  • 'class' : The class name of the SSM State / SMACH State

WARNING : If you use a SMACH state instead of a SSM state. The onEntry, onExit and datamodel/userdata assignment will not be used.

  • Assign a SMACH State or a SSM State to the SCXML state by using the datamodel of the state.

<state id="IsPrime">
     <data id="skill" expr="isPrime"/>

Using the 'id' "skill" and set the 'expr' value to the name of the skill you want to use. In order to maintain the consistency of the StateMachine, you have to link every outcome of this State inside the SCXML. If you forget to link one, them the StateMachine consistency check will fail.

To help you know every outcomes/userdata of each states link inside the skill XML file, you can run the "ssm_descriptor"

This will generate a text file with a small description of every states and a list of outcomes and userdata.

roslaunch airbus_ssm_core ssm_descriptor.launch skill_xml_file:=empty_register.xml output_file:=/tmp/descriptor.txt

Parameters are :

  • skill_xml_file: the skill.xml file you want to scan. It should be located in the airbus_ssm_core/resources folder.

If you want to put the skill.xml file in a different folder/pkg, use this syntax ${pkg_name}/directory/file.scxml

  • output_file: the absolute path for the output text file.

todo : generate a qt scxml file with a pre-generated states / datamodel to ease the authoring

  • Parents states (containing other states) can't have a skill assign. Only atomic states.
  • Transitioning from parents states.

To transitioning from a parent state. You have to follow some specific rules to allow the remapping of the outcomes. There is two kind of parent states :

  • Simple parent states (like a SMACH State Machine)

The transition has to be done through a final state from inside the parent and then be link to the targeted state.


<state id="Parent">
    <transition type="external" target="foo"/>
  <state id="foo">
     <transition event="to_bar1" target="Final_5"/>
     <transition event="to_bar2" target="Final_7"/>
   <final id="Final_5"/>
   <final id="Final_7"/>
   <transition event="to_bar1" target="bar1"/>
   <transition event="to_bar2" target="bar2"/>

Qt Authoring


  • Parallel (like a SMACH Concurence)

The transition form a parallel state is a bit more complicated because of the multiple possible outcomes. In order to use the one that you want, they're is a syntax. The 3 following states are in a Parallel state : State A has 2 possible outcomes outA1 and outA2. State B has 2 possible outcomes possible outB1 and outB2. State C has just outC.

If you want to have the following transitions

  • outA1 and outB1
  • outB2 or outC
  • outA2

Then you will have the following SCXML :

<parallel id="Parallel_1">
  <state id="A"/>
  <state id="B"/>
  <state id="C"/>
  <transition event="Transition1" target="bar1" cond="A.outA1 AND B.outB1"/>
  <transition event="Transition2" target="bar2" cond="B.outB2 OR C.outC"/>
  <transition event="Transition3" target="bar3" cond="A.outA2"/>

The syntax that conditioning the outcome is written in the "cond" part of the transition.

"/state/./outcome/" "AND/OR" "/state/./outcome/"

For now it only support 2 states in the conditions !!


To execute a SCXML file you can use :

roslaunch airbus_ssm_core ssm.launch scxml_file:=default

Input parameter is:

  • scxml_file: the scxml file you want to execute. It should be located in the airbus_ssm_core/resources folder.

If you want to put scxml files in a different folder, use this syntax ${pkg_name}/directory/file.scxml or you can give the pull path to the file.

For example :

roslaunch airbus_ssm_core ssm.launch scxml_file:=${airbus_ssm_core}/resources/defaulf.scxml

There is a service to 'load' a new SCXML file :

  • server_name + '/srv/init' (default : '/ssm/srv/init')

You can also use topics :

  • server_name + '/start' (default : '/ssm/start'), std_msgs/Empty. Trigger the execution of the state machine.
  • server_name + '/preempt' (default : '/ssm/preempt'), std_msgs/Empty. Trigger the interruption (premption) of the state machine.
  • server_name + '/pause' (default : '/ssm/pause'), std_msgs/Bool. If True, pause the execution of the state machine. If False, resume the execution.

Or use the airbus_ssm_plugin (which can be use in the airbus_cobos_gui framework or as a standalone).

To launch the SSM Simple Action Server you can use :

roslaunch airbus_ssm_core ssm_action_server.launch 

The goal are the SCXML file you want to execute using the same restriction of the input parameter scxml_file. The result is the outcome of the last executed state.

The following topics works as well during execution :

  • server_name + '/preempt' (default : '/ssm/preempt'), std_msgs/Empty. Trigger the interruption (premption) of the state machine.
  • server_name + '/pause' (default : '/ssm/pause'), std_msgs/Bool. If True, pause the execution of the state machine. If False, resume the execution.

Wiki: airbus_ssm_core (last edited 2017-09-19 16:44:45 by LudovicDelval)