ArbotiX Follow Joint Trajectory Controller
This module is part of the arbotix_python package.
Module Overview
The follow_controller enables control of several servos using a control_msgs/FollowJointTrajectryAction interface. This is the action-based interface that arm_navigation requires.
~controllers/<name>/rate (int, default: 50.0)- Rate of interpolation when done onboard.
- The names of joints to control.
- Index of onboard controller to use (automatically incremented as controllers are added, most users won't have to set this).
- Enable/disable the use of onboard interpolation. This must be set to False if using a USB2Dynamixel.
- Name of the action-based control to expose.
YAML Configuration
ArbotiX-ROS based robots are typically configured through a YAML configuration file. A typical configuration file that includes a follow controller might be:
port: /dev/ttyUSB0 dynamixels: { pan_joint: {id: 1}, lift_joint: {id: 2} } controllers: { arm_controller: {type: follow_controller, joints: [pan_joint, lift_joint] }, }