Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The ARNI countermeasure node.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Matthias Hadlich <matthiashadlich AT yahoo DOT de>, Andreas Bihlmaier <andreas.bihlmaier AT gmx DOT de>
- Author: Micha Wetzel <micha.wetzel AT student.kit DOT edu>, Alex Weber <alex.weber3 AT gmx DOT net>, Matthias Klatte <matthias.klatte AT go4more DOT de>, Sebastian Kneipp <sebastian.kneipp AT gmx DOT net>, Matthias Hadlich <matthiashadlich AT yahoo DOT de>
- License: BSD
This documentation is under construction.
It is currently in an alpha state and will be completed soon.
The arni_countermeasure package provides the possibillity to define specific reactions when a ros environement is not behaving as defined with arni_processing.
It is possible to define complex constraints containing the definition of how the environement has to behave in order to trigger a specific reaction.
Constraints are definitions of how entities need to behave for a certain amount of time to trigger reactions. They can be set as parameters withing the namespace /arni/countermeasure/constraints.
A constraint consists of:
- a unique name (mostly for the user to distinguish them)
- a statement that has to be true
- reactions to be executed
Constraint statement
A statement has to start with only one entry. Multiple statements can be combined with or and and.
Its possible to negate a statement with not.
A entry consists of:
seuid: { statistic_type: expected_value, another_s_type: another_value }
Where expected_value can be okay, high, low, unknown
Constraint parameter
A constraint has the following parameters:
parameter |
description |
constraint |
Contains a statement that gets evaluated. |
min_reaction_interval |
The time (in seconds) that the constraint has to be true to execute the reactions. |
reaction_timeout |
Time (in seconds) that the constraint has to wait till its reactions can be executed again. |
reactions |
A dict of reactions. |
A reaction is an action taken after the constraint statement had been true for min_reaction_interval seconds.
There are the following action types:
action type |
description |
additional entries |
publish |
Publish a message to rosout. |
message, loglevel |
stop |
Stops a node. |
node |
restart |
Restarts a node. |
node |
run |
Runs a command on the host the node runs on. |
node, command |
Additionally a autonomy_level can be set. Only reactions with an autonomy_level <= config/reaction_autonomy_level get executed.
An example yaml file containing constraints to be loaded to the parameter server:
arni: countermeasure: constraints: unique_constraint_name: constraint: - or: some_seuid: { cpu_usage_mean: high, node_bandwith_mean: low } another_seuid: { ram_usage_mean: high} min_reaction_interval: 5 reaction_timeout: 20 reactions: reaction_name: { action: stop, autonomy_level: 100, node: node1} another_reaction_name: { action: publish, autonomy_level: 13, message: node1 has a problem, node: node1, loglevel: info} another_constraint: constraint: - and: some_seuid: { node_bandwith_mean: unknown } another_seuid: { node_bandwith_max: ok } not: third_seuid: { cpu_usage_mean: high } config: reaction_autonomy_level: 50 storage_timeout: 10
Reloading Constraints
- Load new constraints to the parameter server.
- Call the service ~reload_constraints. (Takes no arguments and returns nothing)
Constraints can be reloaded during runtime with the service ~reload_constraints.