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Generating views for the recordMode of the asr_direct_search_manager
Description: This tutorial gives a step-to-step description for generating views for the recordMode of the asr_direct_search_manager.Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Next Tutorial: To execute the direct search with the gridMode checkout AsrStateMachineDirectSearchTutorial To execute the direct search with the recordMode checkout AsrStateMachineDirectSearchTutorial
Most of the asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition (Grid cropbox record mode of the asr_state_machine)
-> rosrun asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition
in asr_next_best_view:
In asr_next_best_view/rsc/regions_whole_room_with_normals.csv:
# Whole room -4.0,-4.0,0.0,4.0,4.0,2.25 Adjust -4.0 and 4.0 to the dimensions of the search space. It is no problem if they are taken to high.
If changed execute in terminal (relative to asr_next_best_view/rsc):
./! -i regions_whole_room_with_normals.csv -o!CropBoxListWholeRoomWithNormals.xml
In asr_next_best_view/launch/next_best_view_core_sim.launch
mCropBoxListFilePath: Adjust to $(find asr_next_best_view)/rsc/CropBoxListWholeRoomWithNormals.xml In asr_state_machine/param/params.yaml
mode: 6 for cropbox record UseFakeMoveBase: true if simulated to save time and no error of navigation
- min_utility_for_moving: Set it to 0.0, so that views will be generated until no placeholders are reachable by a
- view !
PlaceholderObjectTypeInCropboxSearch: Insert anything -> the type is only for information purpose
PlaceholderIdentifierInCropboxSearch: The identifier represents the color of the point cloud point (0 is
standard) RoomHeight: Adjust to height of the search space Start and execute the asr_state_machine and
- the other components like described in the asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition.