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get NBV from set Pointcloud and robot state.

Description: In this tutorial we calculate a nbv from a set pointcloud from a previous tutorial, using a given robot state.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


In this tutorial we calculate a nbv from a set pointcloud from a previous tutorial, using a given robot state.


Finish the previous tutorial, we expect you to use the alternative pointcloud from the download section. The following image describes the result/setup condition for this tutorial:



  • run setBase(-0.25, 2, 90) to set the robot position.
  • run setPTU(-10, 10) and your rviz should look like this now:


  • run getNBV() to get the nbv from our current position
  • save the calculated nbv in the nbv variable using nbv = _
  • add the topic tutGetNBVTopic described in the following image, if you can't find it do the next step, then this step and proceed with the next step


  • run showNBVs(nbv) or showPoses(getPoseFromNBV(nbv)) to display the calculated next best viewport as a red arrow:


  • to get the robot state of the new found nbv run getPositionAndOrientationFromNBV(nbv), which returns a 2-tuple that can be given to the setPositionAndOrientation function
  • to move to the location run moveBase(*getPositionAndOrientationFromNBV(nbv)[0])
  • run setPTU(*getPositionAndOrientationFromNBV(nbv)[1]) to set the orientation properly


Wiki: asr_resources_for_active_scene_recognition/GetNBV (last edited 2019-11-11 08:24:53 by FelixMarek)