This node wraps any other grasp planner service. It modifies the results of the underlying grasp planner using human feedback. The interactive version of rviz provided by interactive_rviz_helper provides the UI necessary to collect this feedback.
augmented_database_grasp_planner (object_manipulation_msgs/GraspPlanning)- Returns a list of grasps sorted with human feedback. Service name can be changed with planner_service_name parameter.
Services Called
database_grasp_planner (object_manipulation_msgs/GraspPlanning)- A service that provides a list of possible grasps. Service name can be changed with automated_planner_service_name parameter.
~<name>/planner_service_name (string, default: augmented_database_grasp_planning)- The advertised service name
- The name of the grasp planning service to call
- The relative weight of euclidean to angular distance when computing the distance between grasp poses. This distance is used to sort grasps. The grasps closest to the one selected by human feedback will be attempted first. A value of 17.0 roughly equates a 10 degree difference with a 2 cm difference.