The DeepRacer Navigation ROS package creates the deepracer_navigation_node which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application and will be launched from the deepracer_launcher. More details about the application and the components can be found here.
The source code is released under Apache 2.0.
Supported ROS Distributions
- Foxy
Node Details
Subscribed Topics
/inference_pkg/rl_results (msg/InferResultsArray)- This message holds the reinforcement learning inference results for the state input passed through the current model that is selected in the device console.
Published Topics
/deepracer_navigation_pkg/auto_drive (msg/ServoCtrlMsg)- Publish a message with steering angle and throttle data sent to the servo package to move the car.
action_space_service (srv/LoadModelSrv)- A service that is called when a new model is loaded and helps set the action space to be considered while mapping the inference results
- A service that is called to dynamically set the scale value to multiply to the throttle in autonomous mode for each action.