The DeepRacer Servo ROS package creates the servo_node which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application and will be launched from the deepracer_launcher. More details about the application and the components can be found here.
The source code is released under Apache 2.0.
Supported ROS Distributions
- Foxy
Node Details
Subscribed Topics
/ctrl_pkg/servo_msg (msg/ServoCtrlMsg)- This message holds the scaled throttle and angle values in the range of [-1, 1] that will be translated based on the calibration to raw PWM values.
- This message holds the raw PWM throttle and angle values to be set on the motor and servo.
servo_gpio (srv/ServoGPIOSrv)- A service that is called enable/disable the servo GPIO pin.
- A service that is called to set the [min, mid, max, polarity] pwm values for the speed and steering calibration and store them in a file.
- A service that is called to get the [min, mid, max, polarity] pwm values for the speed and steering calibration from the saved file.
- A service that is called to set the [red, green, blue] channel pwm values for the tail light LEDs and store them in a file.
- A service that is called to get the [red, green, blue] channel pwm values for the tail light LEDs from the saved file.