The DeepRacer Web Server ROS package creates the webserver_publisher_node which is part of the core AWS DeepRacer application and will be launched from the deepracer_launcher. More details about the application and the components can be found here.
The source code is released under Apache 2.0.
Supported ROS Distributions
- Foxy
Node Details
Subscribed Topics
/deepracer_systems_pkg/software_update_pct (msg/SoftwareUpdatePctMsg)- Message with the latest software update percentage and status.
Published Topics
/webserver_pkg/calibration_drive (msg/ServoCtrlMsg)- Publish a message with raw pwm values for steering angle and throttle data sent to the servo package to calibrate the car.
- Publish a message with steering angle and throttle data sent to the servo package to move the car.
Services Called
/ctrl_pkg/vehicle_state (srv/ActiveStateSrv)- Client to the vehicle state service to deactivate the current vehicle state and prepare the new mode.
- Client to the enable state service to activate and deactivate the current vehicle mode.
- Client to the get calibration service to get the current calibration value for the steering or throttle.
- Client to the set calibration service to set the current calibration value for the steering or throttle.
- Client to the get device info service to get the hardware and software version of DeepRacer device and packages.
- Client to the battery level service to get the current vehicle battery level ranging from [0 to 11].
- Client to the sensor data status service to get the sensor connection status for single camera/stereo camera and LiDAR.
- Client to set car led service to set the tail light LED values.
- Client to get car led service to get the tail light LED values.
- Client to verify model service to validate if the extraction and installation of the model was successful.
- Client to configure lidar service to dynamically configure the preprocessing details for the LiDAR data before publishing as part of sensor message.
- Client to trigger the upload/delete models action from device console.
- Client to the software update check service to find out if there is a software update available for the aws-deepracer packages.
- Client to the begin update service to trigger the update of the aws-deepracer debian packages to the latest software version available.
- Client to software update state service to get the current software update state from the states [UPDATE_UNKNOWN, UP_TO_DATE, UPDATE_AVAILABLE, UPDATE_PENDING, UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS].
- Client to autonomous throttle service to set the scale value to multiply to the throttle during autonomous navigation.
- Client to the get otg link state service to get the current connection status of micro-USB cable to the DeepRacer device.