This package provides various nodes to run the BipedRobin coffee butler demo, in which the Robot uses a Microsoft Kinect to detect and throw away cups.
Controls the execution of the different Services between the biped_robin_coffee_butler and biped_robin_object_manipulator nodesPublished Topics
chatter_pub (invalid message type for MsgLink(msg/type))- Publishes strings for speech_database voice output.
pickup_cylinder (biped_robin_msgs/PickupObjectService)- Calls service from biped_robin_object_manipulator to pickup the cup which is positioned the cylinder_center frame published by the pcl_cylinder node.
- Calls service from biped_robin_object_manipulator to place the cup in the bin_frame.
Services Called
start_detecting_client (std_srvs/Empty)- Starts the object detection in the pcl_cylinder node.
- Stops the object detection in the pcl_cylinder node.
Node to detect cylinders in Kinect point_cloud, creates tf::transform with the cylinder center as origin.Subscribed Topics
cloud_throttled (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- Subscribes to the Kinect point cloud.
Published Topics
filter_cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- Publishes the filtered segment of the Kinect point cloud (only the table).
- Publishes the detected table plane of the Kinect point cloud.
- Publishes the detected cylinder of the Kinect point cloud.
start_detecting_srv (std_srvs/Empty)- Starts the detection of the cylinder detection.
- Stops the detection of the cylinder detection.