rgbd_image_proc is an application available in ccny_rgbd. The application subscribes to the output of RGB-D cameras as produces by the openni_camera (or compatible) driver and performs image rectification, depth-to-rgb registration, depth unwarping, and point cloud generation.
Two drivers are available: rgbd_image_proc_nodelet and rgbd_image_proc_node. Their parameters and topics are identical.
Subscribed topics
/camera/rgb/image_color (sensor_msgs/Image)
- Debayered RGB image
- Depth image, 16UC1 encoding, in millimeters (0 = invalid data)
- CameraInfo associated with the RGB image
- CameraInfo associated with the Depth image
Published topics
/rgbd/rgb (sensor_msgs/Image)
- Output RGB image (rescaled, rectified)
- Output Depth image (rescaled, rectified, registered in the RGB frame, and unwarped)
- Optimal CameraInfo after rescaling and rectification (has 0 distortion). Applies to both images.
- Textured point cloud
~queue_size (int, default: 5)
- input and output queue sizes
- path to folder where calibration .yml files are stored
- rescaling parameter. Output image dimensions = input image dimensions / scale.
- whether to perform per-pixel unwarping of the depth image based on a polynomial calibration model. If true, calib_path/warp.yml must exist. If false, the depth values won't be modified.
- whether to publish the textured sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. Disabling this will increase performance when no point cloud is required.