0.1.10 (2013-02-01)

  • Moved to GitHub. Released within ROS Groovy trough the legacy rosbuild.

0.1.7 (2011-07-20)

  • Implemented the roscpp traits interface to serialize java messages

0.1.6 (2011-07-20)

0.1.5 (2011-06-20)

  • Fixed a typo in script that broke LD_LIBRARY_PATH exports

0.1.4 (2011-05-02)

  • Added tfjava, an implementation of the TF library in java

  • Fixed a problem with generated scripts in combination with the Debian build process.


  • Finally fixed string constants in message generator
  • Fixed a problem with Header message package. It is in roslib in cturtle and in std_msgs in unstable.


  • Added wrappers for ros::ok and NodeHandle::ok methods

  • Fixed a bug in the message generator: it didn't handle string constants without " well
  • Added SuppressWarnings to 'hashCode' and 'equals' methods to eliminate warnings about unused variables in the generated code


  • Improved searching for JNI in CMakeLists.txt

0.1.0 (Initial release)

  • New message and service generator scripts
  • Different way of building message/service files: the files are created in the package that uses them. This fixes problems with Debian packages that didn't contain Java message definitions.

Wiki: client_rosjava_jni/ChangeList (last edited 2013-02-01 14:58:32 by Gheorghe Lisca)