The cob_3d_mapping_point_map package provides a configurable node for aggregating point maps from point cloud data. It mainly performs registration.
The point_map node takes in sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages and aggregates a point map. If possible, point clouds should be registered in advance. The map can be cleared using a service call.Subscribed Topics
/point_cloud2 (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- The input point cloud
Published Topics
/point_cloud2_map (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- The aggregated point map
clear_map (cob_srvs/Trigger)- Clears the point map.
- Returns the current point map.
- Sets a map, overrides existing map
~voxel_leafsize_x (double, default: 0.03)- Map resolution in x direction
- Frame ID for the map
- Flag for saving the map as a PCD file after each update (for debugging)
- File path for saving the map
Launch the point map node
roslaunch cob_3d_mapping_point_map aggregate_point_map.launch
Save map to a PCD file
rosrun cob_3d_mapping_point_map get_point_map map.pcd
Clear the map
rosservice call point_map/clear_map
Load an initial map from a PCD file (PointXYZRGB)
rosrun cob_3d_mapping_point_map set_point_map map.pcd