Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: How to configure cob_sensor_fusion.
(!) Please ask about problems and questions regarding this tutorial on Don't forget to include in your question the link to this page, the versions of your OS & ROS, and also add appropriate tags.

In-gripper object training on Care-O-bot

Description: This tutorial teaches you how to train a new object with the IPA object detection package using Care-O-bot. The object is placed within the gripper, from whereon object training takes places autonomously by the robot.

Keywords: object training, Care-O-bot

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

These tutorials require packages that are not open to the public. If you want to run the packages, please contact richard.bormann <at> .

If you have Care-O-bot related questions or discover Care-O-bot specific problems please contact us via the Care-O-bot mailing list.

Startup a robot

To execute the following tutorial, you have to start either a real or a simulated Care-O-bot (cob_bringup or cob_bringup_sim). At least the following components should be fully operational:

  • robot arm
  • robot sdh (gripper)
  • torso
  • camera (stereo cameras or RGB-D camera)

Prerequisites for object training

Prerequisites for object training are as follows:

Launch packages for object training

You must launch a the sensor_fusion node, which captures the stereo images and the object detection node on pc2, which creates the object models out of the captured stereo images.

roslaunch cob_sensor_fusion sensor_fusion_train_object.launch 
roslaunch cob_object_detection object_detection.launch

Note: The training specific launch file for sensor_fusion holds stereo parameters that allow the measurement of distances very close to the camera system (as the object is moved right in front of the cameras)

Place the object in the robot's gripper

Real robot

ATTENTION: Make sure the arm is in 'folded' position before continuing. Executing the following script will move the robot arm. You are adviced to keep your emergency stop button in close proximity.

Manually place the object into the robot's gripper as follows:

  1. Move the arm to the training position.
     roslaunch cob_object_detection arm_move_to_training_position.launch
  2. Depending on the object's shape, either open the gripper using a spherical grasp
     rosrun cob_object_detection
    or open the gripper using a parallel grasp
     rosrun cob_object_detection
  3. Once the gripper has opened, place the object in the robot's gripper between the tips of the fingers. After a few seconds, the gripper will automatically close. Make sure the object has a stable position. Otherwise, try again continuing with step 2.
  4. Make sure that most parts of the object are visible by the cameras and not covered by the gripper
     rosrun image_view image_view image:=/stereo/left/image_color

    If necessary you can move the robot to improve lighting conditions using cob_teleop. E.g. in the ipa-apartment environment it is helpful to turn on the light and close the blinds.

Train object with cob3-3 Train object with cob3-3


In order to place a simulated object into the gripper follow these steps:

  1. Move the arm to the training position.
     roslaunch cob_object_detection arm_move_to_training_position.launch
  2. Depending on the object's shape, either open the gripper using a spherical grasp
     rosrun cob_object_detection
    or open the gripper using a parallel grasp
     rosrun cob_object_detection
  3. Pause simulation (pause mode)
  4. Spawn the object e.g.

    Within gazebo you can spawn objects using cob_bringup_sim.

     roslaunch cob_gazebo_objects upload_param.launch
     rosrun cob_bringup_sim "<object name>"

    Hint: <object name> is specified in ROS Parameter Server, e.g. 'milk' or 'zwieback'

  5. Move the object into the gripper using the gazebo build-in tools for object manipulation
  6. Continue the simulation

Learn with Siumlator

Record object images

If you have placed the object in the gripper, you can start recording object images by running

rosrun cob_object_detection "<object_name>"

Replace <object_name> with an appropriate object name.

The recoreded images are stores in the /tmp/ folder.

Kinect (usually not used)

Instead of using the stereo cameras, it is possible to use the Kinect RGB-D camera for image recording. In order to do so, you have to start cob_sensor_fusion using the Kinect launch file.

roslaunch cob_sensor_fusion sensor_fusion_kinect.launch

Additionally, you must modify the rotate object script, in order to adapt the tf camera link.

roscd cob_object_detection/ros/scripts/

def main():
    kinect_flag = True

Building the object model

Having recorded the object images, we can now build the object model

rosservice call /object_detection/train_object_bagfile ["object_name"]

Initially, the images are segmented to remove the gripper and background from all images. The segementation results are saved in the /tmp/ folder for debugging purposes. When the 3D object modeling fails, you might want to have a look at the segmented object images. Especially the *<object_name>_all.ply file, that shows all segmented images within one common coordinate frame might be interesting to chech

  1. if the segmentation succeeded b. if the transformations given by the arm are approximately correct

Here is an exemplary image of *<object_name>_all.ply that is sufficient for a successfull object modeling.

Segementation results

Object Models

The generated object models are saved in the folder:

roscd cob_object_detection/common/files/models/ObjectModels  

There will be 3 different models:

  • A feature point model *.txt
  • A point cloud model *.txt.ply
  • A surface model *.txt.iv

The point cloud model can be visualised with a point cloud viewer like Meshlab. The surface model can be visualised with an iv-viewer like Qiew.

Here is an example of the optimized point cloud model:

Pointcloud model

Wiki: cob_object_detection/Tutorials/Train a new object (last edited 2017-07-17 07:13:41 by RichardBormann)