The package cob_ultrasonic is responsible for the visualisation of output from an ultrasonic sensor. It provides an output in the form of feature interactive markers messages and a laser scan. The feature marker messages provide information about each feature detected by the ultrasonic sensor whereas the laser scan messages provide 360 degrees visualisation.


The ultrasonic_node node publishes sensor_msgs/LaserScan and visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarker based on the output from an ultrasonic sensor.

Published Topics

/ultrasonic (visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarker)
  • The features will be published on this topic
/scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
  • The laserscan message generated will be published on this topic.


frame_id (string, default: /my_frame)
  • It can be used to set custom frame ids for the markers.
namespace (string, default: )
  • It can be used to setup a separate namespace for all the markers.
line_color (integer, default: 0)
  • For setting the colour of lines. Permissible values: 0=RED, 1=GREEN, 2=BLUE.
point_color (integer, default: 1)
  • For setting the colour of points. Permissible values: 0=RED, 1=GREEN, 2=BLUE.
marker_radius (double, default: 10.0)
  • This parameter can be used to set the radius for points and fasts.
laserscan_range_min (double, default: 0.05)
  • This parameter is used define the minimum range for the laser scan message.
laserscan_range_max (double, default: 10.0)
  • This parameter is used define the maximum range for the laser scan message.


roslaunch cob_ultrasonic ultrasonic_node.launch

Wiki: cob_ultrasonic (last edited 2012-11-27 12:30:54 by AliShujaSiddiqui)