Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
URDF description for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator
- Maintainer: Gert Kanter <gert AT cs.ttu DOT ee>
- Author: Gert Kanter <gert AT cs.ttu DOT ee>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
URDF description for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator
- Maintainer: Gert Kanter <gert AT cs.ttu DOT ee>
- Author: Gert Kanter <gert AT cs.ttu DOT ee>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
This package contains the URDF description file for the Robai Cyton Gamma 1500 robot manipulator.
You can use git clone to install the package.
cd <your_catkin_ws>/src git clone cd .. catkin_make
Building it with catkin_make will allow using roslaunch and find later.
You can view the model in RViz and move the joints manually (if you have joint_state_publisher, robot_state_publisher and rviz installed).
roslaunch cyton_gamma_1500_description cyton_gamma_1500.launch