Compatible models

This stack provides packages that contain nodes to control only COBOTTA OSS type.

There are two types of COBOTTA:

  1. Standard type
  2. OSS type

Could you check whether or not the model type is OSS type?

When you control standard type COBOTTA from ROS, please use denso_robot_ros packages.

The model type of COBOTTA appears on the side of COBOTTA.

/!\ Could you make sure to check the model type as below?




DEVELOPMENTAL: This status indicates that this software is not yet production ready code. The software has some level of unit-testing. There are known issues and missing functionality. The APIs are unstable but unlikely to change drastically. Use in production systems will likely require modifications including improvements and/or bug fixes. For more information see the ROS-Industrial software status page.


This stack provides packages that contain nodes to control COBOTTA OSS type, an URDF model and an associated MoveIt configuration package as a standard component.

The following packages are included in this stack:

  • denso_cobotta_lib
  • denso_cobotta_driver
  • denso_cobotta_control
  • denso_cobotta_gripper
  • denso_cobotta_bringup
  • denso_cobotta_descriptions
  • denso_cobotta_moveit_config



set_motor_state: Service to set motor state to ON/OFF.

bool state  // True: Motor ON, False: Motor OFF
bool success

get_motor_state: Service to get the current motor state.

bool state  // True: Motor ON, False: Motor OFF
bool success

set_brake_state: Service to set brake states for all joints.

bool[] state // Index: 0(J1) to 5(J6)
             // True: Lock
             // False: Release
bool success

get_brake_state: Service to get the current brake states for all joints.

bool[] state // Index: 0(J1) to 5(J6)
             // True: Lock
             // False: Release
bool success

clear_error: Service to clear all errors.

bool success

clear_robot_error: Service to clear normal errors.

bool success

clear_safe_state: Service to clear safety errors.

bool success

set_LED_state: Service to set LED state.

uint8 red
uint8 green
uint8 blue
uint8 blink_rate
bool success

Wiki: denso_cobotta_ros (last edited 2019-10-31 07:05:17 by DENSO WAVE ROBOT)