
  1. Usage:

The package provides:

  • map of the Bosch RTC facility
  • launch file for starting up the pr2_navigation stack
  • launch file for starting up the action server which enables sending the robot to different poses in the map frame


Start up the pr2_navigation stack:

roslaunch ds_pr2_2dnav drink_demo.launch

Start up the action server:

roslaunch ds_pr2_2dnav move_robot.launch

Definition of the action:

#goal definition
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
#result definition
bool success

Send the robot to the arbitrary pose:

rosrun ds_pr2_2dnav move_robot_client x y z qx qy qz qw

Wiki: ds_pr2_2dnav (last edited 2011-08-02 16:58:07 by Kyle Maroney)