
This package is being deprecated

Instead of using this package, we recommend that you use joint_state_publisher to replace easy_state_publisher, and joint_state_publisher + robot_state_publisher for easy_tf_publisher.


This package contains two separate nodes for easy publishing of a robot's state and transform. It is useful for developing URDF models of robots, when you don't care what the robot is doing, but how the parts are laid out relative to one another.

The nodes read in the robot_description from the parameter server and parses out all of the non-fixed joints, and sets the joints to zero.


Based on the non-fixed joints, this node publishes just the transform tree in TF messages.

Published Topics

/tf (tf/tfMessage)
  • Transforms for each of the links in the robot


/robot_description (String, default: None)
  • Contents of the URDF file for the robot


Based on the non-fixed joints, this node publishes the joint states for the robot. Can be used in conjunction with the robot_state_publisher node to publish joint states and transforms.

Published Topics

/joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • Joint State for each non-fixed joint in the robot


/robot_description (String, default: None)
  • Contents of the URDF file for the robot

Wiki: easy_state_publisher (last edited 2010-10-05 16:52:25 by DavidLu)