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Explore the Evarobot Gazebo Model
Description: Bringup the Evarobot Model and using sensors.Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Use evarobot.launch file to run Evarobot Gazebo model
> roslaunch evarobot_gazebo evarobot.launch
Default Evarobot Gazebo model includes; - Bumper Sensor x3 - Infrared Sensor x4 - Sonar Sensor x7 - Kinect Sensor x1 - Lidar Sensor x1
You can modify Evarobot Gazebo model using .urdf file in evarobot_description/urdf folder.
You can list topics after running Evarobot Gazebo model.
> rostopic list
To get information about topics of the model,
> rostopic info /<topic_ismi>
In order to visualise sensors, tf etc. of the Evarobot in Gazebo, you can use rviz.
> rosrun rviz rviz
You can add robot model and sensors, using 'Add' button in left menu.