Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Wait for Conditions.
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Pause and Resume Tasks

Description: This tutorial shows how to pause and resume a list of tasks.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: React On Termination

In teer, a task can pause or resume other tasks. This tutorial shows an example of these functions. Like the previous tutorial, this one requires turtlesim.

In this tutorial, two turtles move in squares of opposite directions. When turtles meet, they fall in love, forget about their doing, and dance for a while; then they become bored and get back to business. This tutorial is based on from teer_example_turtle.

First, we import the packages and create the scheduler, this time with two condition variables, one for the pose of each turtle:

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 import math
   3 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('teer_tutorials')
   4 import rospy
   5 import numpy as np
   6 from turtlesim.msg import Velocity
   7 from turtlesim.msg import Pose
   8 from turtlesim.srv import TeleportAbsolute
   9 from turtlesim.srv import SetPen
  10 from turtlesim.srv import Spawn
  11 from std_srvs.srv import Empty as EmptyServiceCall
  12 from turtle_math import *
  13 from teer_ros import *
  15 class TurtleScheduler(Scheduler):
  17     turtle1_pose = ConditionVariable(None)
  18     turtle2_pose = ConditionVariable(None)
  20     def __init__(self):
  21         super(TurtleScheduler,self).__init__()

Like in the previous example, turtle move using two tasks each (turtleN_go and turtleN_wandering):

   1 def turtle1_go(target):
   2     while True:
   3         # set new speed commands
   4         turtle1_velocity.publish(control_command(sched.turtle1_pose, target, 1.0))
   5         # wait for 1 s
   6         yield WaitDuration(0.5)
   8 def turtle2_go(target):
   9     while True:
  10         # set new speed commands
  11         turtle2_velocity.publish(control_command(sched.turtle2_pose, target, 0.7))
  12         # wait for 1 s
  13         yield WaitDuration(0.5)
  15 def turtle1_wandering():
  16     yield WaitCondition(lambda: sched.turtle1_pose is not None)
  18     targets = [(2,2), (9,2), (9,9), (2,9)]
  19     target_id = 0
  20     while True:
  21         sched.printd('Going to ' + str(targets[target_id]))
  22         target = targets[target_id]
  23         go_tid =  sched.new_task(turtle1_go(target))
  24         yield WaitCondition(lambda: dist(sched.turtle1_pose, target) < 0.1)
  25         sched.kill_task(go_tid)
  26         target_id = (target_id + 1) % len(targets)
  28 def turtle2_wandering():
  29    yield WaitCondition(lambda: sched.turtle2_pose is not None)
  31     targets = [(2,9), (9,9), (9,2), (2,2)]
  32     target_id = 0
  33     while True:
  34         sched.printd('Going to ' + str(targets[target_id]))
  35         target = targets[target_id]
  36         go_tid =  sched.new_task(turtle2_go(target))
  37         yield WaitCondition(lambda: dist(sched.turtle2_pose, target) < 0.1)
  38         sched.kill_task(go_tid)
  39         target_id = (target_id + 1) % len(targets)

In addition, a fifth task, cupidon, waits until turtles are close enough, pauses their tasks, makes them dance, and resumes their tasks afterwards:

   1 def cupidon():
   2     my_tid = sched.get_current_tid()
   3     while True:
   4         yield  WaitCondition(lambda: dist(sched.turtle1_pose, sched.turtle2_pose) < 1)
   5         sched.printd('Found friend, let\'s dance')
   6         paused_tasks = sched.pause_all_tasks_except([my_tid])
   7         turtle1_set_pen(255,0,0,0,0)
   8         turtle2_set_pen(0,255,0,0,0)
   9         for i in range(7):
  10             turtle1_velocity.publish(Velocity(1, 1))
  11             turtle2_velocity.publish(Velocity(1, -1))
  12             yield WaitDuration(0.9)
  13         turtle1_set_pen(0,0,0,0,1)
  14         turtle2_set_pen(0,0,0,0,1)
  15         sched.printd('Tired of dancing, going back to wandering')
  16         sched.resume_tasks(paused_tasks)
  17         yield WaitDuration(10)

Finally, we just have to create the callbacks and the main function with the glue to connect to ROS:

   1 def turtle1_pose_updated(new_pose):
   2     sched.turtle1_pose = new_pose
   4 def turtle2_pose_updated(new_pose):
   5     sched.turtle2_pose = new_pose
   7 if __name__ == '__main__':
   8     # create scheduler
   9     sched = TurtleScheduler()
  10     sched.new_task(turtle1_wandering())
  11     sched.new_task(turtle2_wandering())
  12     sched.new_task(cupidon())
  14     # connect to turtlesim
  15     rospy.init_node('teer_example_turtle')
  16     # services
  17     rospy.wait_for_service('reset')
  18     reset_simulator = rospy.ServiceProxy('reset', EmptyServiceCall)
  19     reset_simulator()
  20     rospy.wait_for_service('clear')
  21     clear_background = rospy.ServiceProxy('clear', EmptyServiceCall)
  22     spawn_turtle = rospy.ServiceProxy('spawn', Spawn)
  23     spawn_turtle(0,0,0, "turtle2")
  24     rospy.wait_for_service('turtle1/set_pen')
  25     turtle1_set_pen = rospy.ServiceProxy('turtle1/set_pen', SetPen)
  26     rospy.wait_for_service('turtle1/teleport_absolute')
  27     turtle1_teleport = rospy.ServiceProxy('turtle1/teleport_absolute', TeleportAbsolute)
  28     rospy.wait_for_service('turtle2/set_pen')
  29     turtle2_set_pen = rospy.ServiceProxy('turtle2/set_pen', SetPen)
  30     rospy.wait_for_service('turtle2/teleport_absolute')
  31     turtle2_teleport = rospy.ServiceProxy('turtle2/teleport_absolute', TeleportAbsolute)
  32     # subscriber/publisher
  33     rospy.Subscriber('turtle1/pose', Pose, turtle1_pose_updated)
  34     turtle1_velocity = rospy.Publisher('turtle1/command_velocity', Velocity)
  35     rospy.Subscriber('turtle2/pose', Pose, turtle2_pose_updated)
  36     turtle2_velocity = rospy.Publisher('turtle2/command_velocity', Velocity)
  38     # setup environment
  39     turtle1_set_pen(0,0,0,0,1)
  40     turtle2_set_pen(0,0,0,0,1)
  41     turtle1_teleport(2,2,0)
  42     turtle2_teleport(2,9,0)
  43     clear_background()
  45     # run scheduler

Wiki: executive_teer/Tutorials/Pause Resume (last edited 2012-02-24 16:19:21 by StephaneMagnenat)