ApproximateTime policy


This is a policy used by fkie_message_filters::Combiner to match messages coming on a set of topics, even if their time stamps do not match perfectly. It uses a modified version of the message_filters/ApproximateTime algorithm. Like its predecessor, the algorithm is not merely applying an epsilon to account for time differences, but tries to find the best possible match. Each set of grouped messages which are output by the policy, satisfies the following criteria:

  • Each message is used only once. Two sets will never share the same message, but some messages can be dropped.

  • Messages are used in order. Unlike the original algorithm, we do not guarantee that sets as a whole do not overlap, but we guarantee that for each topic, messages will be used in time stamp order. We found that revising this criterion improves match quality for high-frequency topics, such as stereo vision systems with depth images, in the presence of transient jitter.

  • Sets are contiguous. This means that you cannot form a valid set from the dropped messages.

  • Sets have minimal timespan. This means that the time stamp difference among messages in a set cannot be smaller without violating the previous property.

  • The output only depends on the time stamps, not on the arrival time of messages. The messages have to arrive in order on each topic, but not necessarily across topics, as long as the queue size is large enough to accommodate for the differences.

Optional parameters:

  • Set timespan: the time difference of two messages in the same set will never exceed this value. By default, the policy does not constrain the timespan. If you set this value, the policy will avoid "wasting" messages in sets which are ultimately rejected anyway. Oftentimes, this will give you more valid sets in total.

  • Message distance: if messages of a particular topic cannot be closer together than a known interval, providing this lower bound will not change the output but will allow the algorithm to conclude earlier that a given set is optimal, thereby reducing output lag. The default lower bound is zero. An incorrect lower bound will result in suboptimal sets being selected. A typical bound is, say, half the frame rate of a camera.


The algorithm works as follows:

  • Wait until each input queue has at least one message available.
  • Pick the latest message among the heads of all queues, which is going to be the pivot. The pivot belongs to every set that is contiguous to the previous set, so it must belong to the newly formed set.

  • For all other input queues except the pivot, advance to the next message until the time difference to the pivot message is minimal. Proving optimality depends on the minimum message distance and the fact that on every topic, messages will arrive in time stamp order. If any queue is exhausted and, at least theoretically, the next message could still be closer to the pivot, wait for the next message to arrive.
  • Once all input queues have reached their optimum, send the resulting set. If the set violates the user-specified timespan constraint, drop the pivot element instead, and restart from scratch with the remaining messages.
  • If messages arrive out of order (i.e. a message on a topic has a time stamp that is earlier than the previously received one), all queues are flushed and the policy restarts from scratch.
  • If messages need to be dropped because the maximum queue size or the message age limit is exceeded, the pivot element is chosen again from the new queue heads. By default, the policy will buffer arbitrary many messages for at most one second.

Wiki: fkie_message_filters/ApproximateTime (last edited 2019-01-28 17:15:23 by TimoRöhling)