Package Summary

The ft_sensor_controller shows how to access the force/torque data provided by netft_ethercat_hardware plugin. This controller transforms the measured x-,y- and z-force to the 'gripper_tool_frame' and shows how to compensate for the inertial forces from the gripper using the (filtered) gripper accelerations. Note that the controller assumes a constant horizontal pose of the gripper!


First compile the controller:

  • rosmake ft_sensor_controller

Next, be sure to run pr2_etherCAT with netft plugin. Use directions here. Now you should see ft_sensor_controller/ForceInterfacePlugin in the list when doing:

  • rosrun pr2_controller_manager pr2_controller_manager list-types

If that is the case, you can use the FT_controller.launch script which loads the parameters and spawns the controller:

  • roslaunch ft_sensor_controller FT_controller.launch

Try viewing controller output

  • rxplot /FT_reader/forces/Fx_sensor:Fx_sensor_comp /FT_reader/forces/Fy_sensor:Fy_sensor_comp /FT_reader/forces/Fz_sensor:Fz_sensor_comp

Wiki: ft_sensor_controller (last edited 2011-02-19 02:03:58 by BertWillaert)