The goal server remembers the robot's goal and makes this information available to the rest of the system. It is advantageous to have a single node in charge of this, in order to keep the overall system consistent. Whenever a change in the goal is desired, a message containing the new goal pose is sent to the goal server.

API Documentation


goal_server_cu keeps track of the current goal and makes this available to the system in the map coordinate frame (/map_cu). goal_server_cu subscribes to a topic where incoming messages are remembered as the current goal, which is then published and also available via a service.

Subscribed Topics

/cu/reset_goal_cu (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
  • A new robot goal in map coordinates (/map_cu).

Published Topics

/cu/goal_cu (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
  • Pose of the goal in map coordinates (/map_cu).


/cu/get_goal_cu (localization_cu/GetPose)
  • Pose of the goal in map coordinates (/map_cu).


~goal_pose_x_init (double, default: 0 (m))
  • Initial x value for the goal pose (/map_cu). Units are in meters.
~goal_pose_y_init (double, default: 0 (m))
  • Initial y value for the goal pose (/map_cu). Units are in meters.
~goal_pose_theta_init (double, default: 0 (rad))
  • Initial theta value for the odometer pose (/map_cu). Units are in radians.

Wiki: goal_server_cu (last edited 2010-02-11 21:11:37 by MichaelOtte)