Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Driver software for Google Glass running the RobotManager application. This software was created by Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Robotics and Intelligent Vehicles Research Laboratory (RIVeR Lab)
- Maintainer: Nicholas Otero <nwotero AT wpi DOT edu>
- Author: Nicholas Otero <nwotero AT wpi DOT edu>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
The google_glass_driver package is used to establish bidirectional communication between a human supervisor and one or more semi-autonomous robots. Using the Glass server node and the Robot Manager Glass app, a human supervisor can use voice commands to select a robot and give a command to it. Voice commands can also be used to navigate the Robot Manager app. The robots can send data back to the user using either text or image messages. Interactions within the system can be seen in this diagram.
It should be noted that there is another ROS package, ros_glass_tools, aimed at establishing bi-directional communication between ROS and Google Glass. There are some fundamental differences between these packages that should be considered:
Connection - ros_glass_tools uses Wi-fi to send data between ROS and Glass. This package uses Bluetooth.
Voice commands - ros_glass_tools uses the cloud voice recognition tool to translate speech to text. This package uses offline voice recognition to match speech to a limited set of allowable phrases. See the Vocabulary tutorial for more details. Handling of voice commands on the ROS side is also very different.
There are many more differences between these two packages, and they can be seen by examining the wikis of the two packages.
ROS Setup
The Glass server node is implemented in Python. In order to use it, you must first download the PyBluez library. You can use the following apt-get command:
sudo apt-get install python-bluetooth
On some computers, a Bluetooth socket may be established but no data is sent through. If your computer is having trouble sending data through Bluetooth, please see this StackOverflow post.
Google Glass Setup
As of the writing of this wiki, the RobotManager app has not been approved by Google for distribution through the Glass store. This means it will need to be loaded from source.
Download the ADT Eclipse plug-in. Details on doing this can be found here.
- Set your workspace to be the google_glass_driver/android directory.
Import the RobotManager project by going to File->Import->General->Existing Projects Into Workspace->RobotManager
Connect Glass through USB and the press the green circle with a white arrow at the top of the ADT Eclipse screen. The tooltip should say "Run RobotManager". This should load the application onto your Glass.
You may want to screencast your Glass to your computer or get Log output. To do this, you must enable Glass's Debug mode. Follow these instructions to do so.
The Robot Manager app is always listening for voice commands whenever the app is active. The continuous listening algorithm listens for voice commands in a limited set and finds a closest match within tolerance. The limited set changes based on the context of the command. For example, on startup Glass needs to know which Bluetooth device it should connect to. No other commands can be given if a Bluetooth connection has not been established. Because of this, Glass only listens for "Connect to ..." commands.
The set of all possible commands Glass can understand is called the Vocabulary. The limited sets of commands, which may or may not be listened for in a given context, are called sub-vocabularies.
In order for a robot to be used with Glass through this package, the robot must pass its own vocabulary to Glass in the configuration step. This vocabulary is the full set of commands that robot understands. This then becomes a sub-vocabulary of Glass.
For more information on Vocabularies and how to use them, read this tutorial page (TODO).
This node acts as the middle man between Glass and ROS. It accepts messages and services from ROS nodes and transmits them to Glass via Bluetooth. Additionally it receives messages from Glass via Bluetooth and publishes them to a target topic.Subscribed Topics
glass_server/text_messages (google_glass_driver/TextMessage)- Text messages to be sent to Glass
- Image messages to be sent to Glass
Published Topics
recognizer/output (std_msgs/String)- Deprecated, carries all commands received by Glass
- Each robot that successfully connects to Glass though the RobotConfiguration service is given its own topic. This topic carries the text of voice commands given to the robot through Glass. The *robot_name* field is assigned the string passed as Name in the RobotConfiguration service. Non-ROS topic compliant names are given compliant names (i.e "My Robot" => "my_robot")
robot_configuration (google_glass_driver/RobotConfiguration)- This service must be used by a robot in order to be recognized by Glass. Service calls must provide the robot's name, a brief description of the robot, and the robot's vocabulary (discussed in the Vocabulary section). If the configuration is successful the service returns true.