
The jenkins_scripts repository holds a set of scripts used to perform documentation, development testing, and pre-release testing on ROS repositories. Typically, these scripts are run in a chroot environment, either locally or on a jenkins machine. For more information on these environments, see jenkins_tools.

Repository Location: https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/jenkins_scripts


This script generates documentation for a repository with a rosinstall entry in the rosdistro GitHub repository.


[jenkins_or_chroot_command and args] doc distro repo_group


  • distro: The name of the ROS distribution to use for documentation generation.

  • repo_group: The name of the repository group to document. *.rosinstall and *_depends.rosinstall files will be downloaded from the repository index hosted here to determine which repositories to document.


run_chroot_local precise amd64 /home/user/workspace doc groovy ros_comm


This tool generates development regression tests for a list of ROS repositories.


[jenkins_or_chroot_command and args] devel distro [repository_list]


  • distro: The ROS distribution on which to run

  • repository_list: A space separated list of repositories on which to run.


run_chroot_local precise amd64 /home/user/workspace devel groovy common_msgs

Or, you can run it outside of a chroot environment, on your local install. In the jenkins_scripts folder, run:

sudo ./devel groovy common_msgs --workspace /path/to/workspace --build_in_workspace


This tool generates pre-release regression tests for a list of ROS repositories.


[jenkins_or_chroot_command and args] prerelease distro [repository_list]


  • distro: The ROS distribution on which to run

  • repository_list: A space separated list of repositories on which to run.


run_chroot_local precise amd64 /home/user/workspace prerelease groovy common_msgs latest

Or, you can run it outside of a chroot environment, on your local install. In the jenkins_scripts folder, run:

sudo ./prerelaese groovy common_msgs latest --workspace /path/to/workspace --build_in_workspace

Wiki: jenkins_scripts (last edited 2012-12-29 00:18:35 by wim)