Errors when using Joystick Remapper
Error: Remapped Joystick Won't Command Robot
- Make sure that that the joystick is publishing. If the originial output topic is "joy",
rostopic echo joy
Will determine if the joystick is publishing on "joy". If this isn't working, see joy/Troubleshooting.
Make sure that the remapped joystick is publishing as well.
rostopic echo joy_remapped
If you're seeing the raw input, but not the output, check your launch file to make sure you have set up the joy_source and joy_dest values correctly. You may want to use "roswtf" to check the connections.
Error: Remapped Joystick Buttons Are Incorrect
Check the button mapping against the desired button mapping by using. "rostopic echo". Open two terminals, and open your launch file in an editor.
In the first:
rostopic echo joy_unremapped
rostopic echo joy_remapped
Using these and your launch file, you will be able to manually confirm each button and axis mapping.
- No device is connected.