Please see kinect_camera in kinect stack for the new version.
Old documentation
The kinect_node package provides a driver for using the Kinect RGB-D sensor with ROS. Currently this package depends on the libfreenect_install package which is a wrapper around the libfreenect driver. The library is patched using Stéphane Magnenat's memory trash patch.
This package currently outputs a sensor_msgs/PointCloud, a RGB sensor_msgs/Image and it's associated sensor_msgs/CameraInfo. The PointCloud, Image, and CameraInfo are published with the same timestamp (the node will hold data until all 3 have become available).
For calibration information based on this package, please see /Calibration.
Future Work
Switch to PCL - PointCloud2 with RGB values - requires accurate cross-calibration of the cameras
- Output Depthmap as an image topic
- Improve 3D calibration
- Publish the accelerometer data
- Listen for pose information to control the camera motor
roscore >& /dev/null & rosrun kinect_node kinect_node >& /dev/null & rosrun rviz rviz
Set Fixed Frame to /kinect_depth or whatever name was provided with the kinect_depth_frame argument.
You can download the pre-recorded bag file of the video shown below from here. This can be viewed in rviz.
kinect_node.bag is 1.1GB of data and may not be useful.
kinect_node_subset.bag is a 143M subset of the above bag file.
roscore >& /dev/null & rosrun rviz rviz >& /dev/null & rosbag play -q -l kinect_node_subset.bag
In rviz select 'File > Open Config' from the main menu then open the 'kinect_node/launch/demo.vcg' config file.
The kinect_node uses the libfreenect driver to access the Kinect RGB-D Sensor.Published Topics
cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud)- 3D Pointcloud data
- RGB Image Data
- CameraInfo Topic for Calibration
~kinect_depth_frame (string, default: "/kinect_depth")- the name of the Depth camera frame
- The maximum range of the sensor in meters, beyond this the error is too large.
- The width of the image returned by the Kinect
- The height of the image returned by the Kinect
- The name of the camera used by CameraInfo
- The location of the camera calibration file. Can also be set to 'auto'
[1] H. Martin, "Open source Kinect driver", The Internets, 2010
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