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Kobuki Bumper2Pc Nodelet
Publish kobuki_node's bumper/cliff events as a Pointcloud.Subscribed Topics
~bumper_events (kobuki_msgs/BumperEvent)- Bumper events, generated whenever a bumper is pressed or released.
- Cliff sensor event, generated whenever the robot approaches or moves away from a cliff.
Published Topics
~pointcloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- Signals hitting bumpers and detected cliffs as a point cloud, so we can use navigation stack without additional sensors.
~pointcloud_radius (double, default: 0.25)- Bumper/cliff pointcloud distance to base frame; should be something like the robot radius plus plus costmap resolution plus an extra to cope with robot inertia. This is a bit tricky parameter: if it's too low, costmap will ignore this pointcloud (the robot footprint runs over the hit obstacle), but if it's too big, hit obstacles will be mapped too far from the robot and the navigation around them will probably fail.
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