Kobuki Nodelet

Provides a control loop and exposes ros api for the kobuki_driver.

Subscribed Topics

~commands/motor_power (kobuki_msgs/MotorPower)
  • Turn on/off Kobuki's motors.
~commands/external_power (kobuki_msgs/ExternalPower)
  • Turn on/off Kobuki's external power sources.
~commands/reset_odometry (std_msgs/Empty)
  • Resets Kobuki odometry
~commands/sound (kobuki_msgs/Sound)
  • Sends a command for playing sounds.
~commands/led1 (kobuki_msgs/Led)
  • Sends a command for controlling the first programmable LED's color.
~commands/led2 (kobuki_msgs/Led)
  • Sends a command for controlling the second programmable LED's color.
~commands/digital_output (kobuki_msgs/DigitalOutput)
  • Sets values for the digital output ports.
~commands/velocity (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Sets the desired velocity of the robot.

Published Topics

odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • The odometry of the robot based on the gyro and motor encoders.
diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray)
  • The system diagnostic information published at 1Hz.
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • Updated state for wheel joints.
~events/button (kobuki_msgs/ButtonEvent)
  • Provides a button event, generated whenever a button is pressed or released.
~events/bumper (kobuki_msgs/BumperEvent)
  • Provides a bumper event, generated whenever a bumper is pressed or released.
~events/cliff (kobuki_msgs/CliffEvent)
  • Provides a cliff sensor event, generated whenever the robot approaches or moves away from a cliff.
~events/wheel_drop (kobuki_msgs/WheelDropEvent)
  • Provides a wheel drop event, generated whenever a wheel is dropped (robot fell or was raised) or raised (normal condition).
~events/power_system (kobuki_msgs/PowerSystemEvent)
  • Power system events, generated by important changes in the power system, like plug/unplug to charger, low/critical battery levels or battery charge completed.
~events/robot_state (kobuki_msgs/RobotStateEvent)
  • Provides a robot state event, generated whenever the robot gets online/offline.
~events/digital_input (kobuki_msgs/DigitalInputEvent)
  • Generated whenever digital input ports state changes.
~sensors/imu_data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
  • Gyroscope data messages. Provides both heading and angular velocity.
~sensors/imu_data_raw (sensor_msgs/Imu)
  • Raw data of 3D Gyroscope. Provides angular velocity of x-, y-, and z-axis. But not provides linear accelerations and orientation.
~sensors/dock_ir (kobuki_msgs/DockInfraRed)
  • Docking base ir sensors messages. Generated on the proximity of the docking base to assist the automatic docking.
~sensors/core (kobuki_msgs/SensorState)
  • Kobuki sensor data messages. This topic provides detailed information about the entire state package that is transmitted at 50Hz from the robot.
~version_info (kobuki_msgs/VersionInfo)
  • Contains unique device id, version info and available features for the kobuki platform. Useful for compatibility checking and introspection.


~device_port (string, default: /dev/kobuki)
  • Linux USB device port; robots are factory-flashed with '/dev/kobuki', but this name can be easily changed (check kobuki_ftdi package for details).
~wheel_left_joint_name (string, default: wheel_left_joint)
  • Published name of left wheel joint state.
~wheel_right_joint_name (string, default: wheel_right_joint)
  • Published name of right wheel joint state.
~battery_capacity (double, default: 16.5)
  • Battery voltage at full charge.
~battery_low (double, default: 13.5)
  • Battery voltage at first warning (15%).
~battery_dangerous (double, default: 13.2)
  • Battery voltage at critical level (5%).
~cmd_vel_timeout (double, default: 0.6)
  • If a new command isn't received within this many seconds, the base is stopped.
~publish_tf (bool, default: False)
  • Causes node to publish TF from odom to base_link. In most cases this transform is published by robot_pose_ekf; use only when this package is not used.
~odom_frame (string, default: odom)
  • Name of the odometry TF frame.
~base_frame (string, default: base_footprint)
  • Name of the base TF frame.
~acceleration_limiter (bool, default: false)
  • Enable if you want the kobuki to do minimal acceleration smooth to velocity command inputs. Alternatively use a proper velocity smoother as a nodelet alongside the kobuki nodelet.

Report a Bug

Use github to report bugs or request features.

Wiki: kobuki_node/groovy (last edited 2013-01-18 04:03:19 by Jorge Santos)