
This lslidar_c32 package is a linux ROS driver for lslidar c32 from Shenzhen Leishen Intelligence System Co, Ltd.

lslidar-c32 is a 16 channels hybird solid state lidar based on TOF working principle. The maximum detection range is up to 200m (different model has different maximum range).

  • Vertical viewing angle is from -15 degree to 15 degree
  • Horizontal viewing angle is 360 degree
  • Maximum angular resolution is 0.09 degree at 5Hz.
  • Normal angular resolution is 0.18 degree at 10Hz

This package is tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS indigo and Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS kinetic.



Package contains self-defined ROS message type used for lslidar-c32



  • lidar_ip (string, default:

    • By default, the IP address of the device is
  • device_port (int, default: 2368)

    • By default, the Port address of the device is 2368.
  • frame_id (string, default: laser)

    • The frame ID entry for the sent messages.
  • add_multicast (bool, default: false)

    • Whether using group multicast or not
  • group_ip (string, default:

    • The group IP address of the device. Only useful when setting add_multicast to true

Published Topics

  • lslidar_packets (lslidar_c32_msgs/LslidarC32Packet)

    • Each message corresponds to a lslidar packet sent by the device through the Ethernet.



  • min_range (double, 0.15)

  • max_range (double, 150.0)

    • Points outside this range will be removed.
  • frequency (frequency, 10.0)

    • Note that the driver does not change the frequency of the sensor.
  • publish_point_cloud (bool, true)

    • If set to true, the decoder will send out a full revolution point cloud data
  • use_gps_ts (bool, false)

    • If set to true, the decoder synchronized with GPS timestamp
  • angle3_disable_min (double, -1)

    • Ignore 3D point cloud data from angle3_disable_min to angle3_disable_max; Default -1 means disable this function; Value should from 0 to 2*pi
  • angle3_disable_max (double, -1)

    • Ignore 3D point cloud data from angle3_disable_min to angle3_disable_max; Default -1 means disable this function; Value should from 0 to 2*pi

Published Topics

  • lslidar_sweep (lslidar_c32_msgs/LslidarC32Sweep)

    • The message arranges the points within each sweep based on its scan index and azimuth.
  • lslidar_point_cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)

    • This is only published when the publish_point_cloud is set to true in the launch file.

Subscribed Topics

  • lslidar_packets (lslidar_c32_msgs/LslidarC32Packet)

    • Each message corresponds to a lslidar packet sent by the device through the Ethernet.


Before running lslidar-c32 driver, make sure you set up IP address correctly. Using following command to check if device is communicating. Replace eth0 with your correct computer network interface

sudo tcpdump -i eth0

Running following commmand to launch lslidar c32 driver

roslaunch lslidar_c32_decoder lslidar_c32.launch --screen

Note that this launch file launches both the driver and the decoder, which is the only launch file needed to be used.


Cannot open UDP port

Make Sure your IP setting for bot device IP and computer IP is correct. Default device IP is and port is 2368. Default computer IP is

lslidar poll() timeout

Make Sure your IP setting for bot device IP and computer IP is correct. Default device IP is and port is 2368. Default computer IP is



Wiki: lslidar_c32 (last edited 2019-09-24 08:25:50 by leishen_lidar)