Mech Turk ROS package contains tools to annotation images (sensor_msgs/Image) with boxes and outlines of objects. The package provide:
- - a node to send all images from a topic for annotation
- - retrieve all annotations from a session and send them as messages
- - a temporary tool to register remote publishers in the local core - multi-goal action server implementing AnnotateImageAction
Captures images and submits them for annotationSubscribed Topics
image (sensor_msgs/Image)- Stream of images
~server (string, default: "default")- The URL or alias of the server.
- The name of the session
- if enabled, the images are submitted for annotation. The submission is disabled by default.
- The folder name where to save images. If unset, the images are not saved locally.
Anntoate image action server provides an implementation of AnnotateImage action.Subscribed Topics
annotate_image_action/goal (mech_turk_ros/AnnotateImageActionGoal)- An image to annotate.
- A request to cancel a specific goal.
- The topic on which annotation server broadcasts the annotations (can be specified through ~annotation_topic)
Published Topics
annotate_image_action/feedback (mech_turk_ros/AnnotateImageActionFeedback)- Feedback is not provided.
- Provides status information on the goals that are sent to the annotate_image action.
- Result contains the mech_turk_ros_msgs/ExternalImageAnnotation with the resulting annotation.
~server (string, default: "default")- The URL or alias of the server.
- The name of the session
- New name of the topic on which the server publishes annotations
- Run ID is used to generate unique image IDs.
Links local annotation topic to the remote server annotation topic. Remote topic "/annotation" is linked to the local "annotation" topic. Local topic can be remapped or specified in "~local_topic_name". Either "url" or "server" is required.Published Topics
annotation (mech_turk_ros_msgs/ExternalImageAnnotation)- Annotations from the remote server
~url (string, default: NONE)- The URL of the remote web server
- The alias of the remote web server
- The name of the remote topic to link from
Downloads all annotations from the server and publishes them as messages.Published Topics
annotation (mech_turk_ros_msgs/ExternalImageAnnotation)- Annotations from the remote server
~server (string, default: "default")- The alias of the remote web server
- The name of the annotation session on the server
- The quality filter: "none" - no filtering, "good" - only good submissions.
Image UID
Mech turk ROS generates unique IDs for images to refer to images in the annotations. The image unique ID is formed as: run_id.topic.secs.nsecs . We replace "/" with "-" in the topic name to ensure that the UID can be used as part of a URL.
This UID format is used by image_snapper and annotation_image_action_server to identify images on the annotation server. The UID is then saved in the ImageReference.uid field. The image_snapper and annotate_image_action_server require the image header to have a non-empty time stamp.