Version Policy
- 0.1.0 - initial release
- 0.2.0 - release after ROS API review. This API is expected to stay stable but there are no guarantees.
Development Model
- The stack follows the ROS release model but not strictly. Best effort will be made to keep API changes backwards compatible.
- Frequent versioned releases will provide stability to users but development will continue in trunk.
- Packages first go through a ROS API review followed by a C++ API review. Initial releases will be with a ROS API.
Future Goals
Put in a list of things here for the future plans for this stack.
- C++ API for planning_models will be rewritten
- 0.3.0 - Integration of the new point cloud library may require removal of the following:
- geometric_shapes_msgs
- geometric_shapes
motion_planning_msgs/GetMotionPlan and motion_planning_msgs/MotionPlanRequest may be further reviewed for use of the WorkspaceParameters message after more user testing.