DCM Bringup for Nao robot

The package contains launch and configuration files required to bring the robot's DCM Driver up and start the robot controllers. The package allows to control a robot from ROS, while communicating with Naoqi. You can control the robot either by calling DCM commands or ALMotion (by default).


  • install dependencies

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-nao-robot ros-indigo-nao-meshes ros-indigo-nao-control


How to use it

  • first, wake up your robot and choose a stable pose

Trajectory control

  • start the DCM Bringup providing the robot's IP

roslaunch nao_dcm_bringup nao_dcm_H25_bringup_remote.launch robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP>
  • you can launch MoveIt! (if installed previously) and control your robot (arms by default)

roslaunch nao_moveit_config moveit_planner.launch
  • you need to check "Allow approximate IK solutions", and then you can control the planning_group via an interactive marker

Position control

To command joints positions via ROS:

  • start the DCM bringup proving your robot's IP (be aware that the package will stop Autonomous Life on your robot):

roslaunch nao_dcm_bringup nao_dcm_H25_bringup_position.launch robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP>
  • send a position to the desired controller, for example

rostopic pub /nao_dcm/LWristYaw_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 "data: 0"

Wiki: nao_dcm_bringup (last edited 2017-11-16 13:33:54 by NataliaLyubova)