Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
This package contains configuration and launch files for using the navigation stack with the Neato XV-11 robot.
- Maintainer: Michael Ferguson <ferguson AT cs.albany DOT edu>
- Author: Michael Ferguson
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: groovy-devel)
Package Summary
This package contains configuration and launch files for using the navigation stack with the Neato XV-11 robot.
- Maintainer: Michael Ferguson <ferguson AT cs.albany DOT edu>
- Author: Michael Ferguson
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
This package contains configuration and launch files for running the navigation stack with the Neato XV-11. It is currently still under active development.
You'll likely need to create your own map, but:
roslaunch neato_node bringup.launch roslaunch neato_2dnav move_base.launch
Creating Maps
gmapping can be used to create maps, as with any other robot. We've yet to find just the right set of parameters (work on the beam likelihood is probably needed), but the following seems to work on the Neato for smaller maps such as the one shown below:
rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan _srr:=0.001 _srt:=0.001 _str:=0.000001 _stt:=0.000001 _linearUpdate:=0.5 _angularUpdate:=0.4