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Package Summary

The numatac_can_driver package


The numatac_can_driver package provides a ROS interface to NumaTac tactile sensors over a CAN interface. See product manual for details.


To bring up the NumaTac tactile sensors, plug in the USB connector. Configure the CAN interface by running the following command in a command line prompt:

sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000

and finally bring-up the CAN interface using:

sudo ifconfig can0 up

To run the driver use:

roslaunch numatac_can_driver numatac_can_driver.launch



Publishes an array of containing each fingers sensor readings of fluid and dynamic pressure in Pa.

Published Topics

hand_pressure (numatac_can_driver/HandPressure)
  • An array of containing each fingers sensor readings of fluid and dynamic pressure in Pa.


~canbus_dev (string, default: can0)
  • The CANBUS interface.
~number_of_sensors (int, default: 3)
  • The amount of NumaTac sensors on the hand/end-effector.
~tare (bool, default: false)
  • The option the tare the readings based on the first reading.

Wiki: numatac_can_driver (last edited 2015-05-26 17:36:49 by TonyBaltovski)