Only released in EOL distros:  

Package Summary

Provides a service to detect if a door is open. If this is the case, it returns the position of the middle of the door. Otherwise it returns position 0.

  • Maintainer: Reiter Andreas <andreas AT reiter-stt DOT at>, Reisenberger Johannes <johannesreisenberger AT gmx DOT at>
  • Author: Reiter Andreas <andreas AT reiter-stt DOT at>, Reisenberger Johannes <johannesreisenberger AT gmx DOT at>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)


See the open_door_detector node documentation.



Provides a service to detect if a door is open. If this is the case, it returns the position of the middle of the door. Otherwise it returns position 0.


detect_open_door (open_door_detector/detect_open_door)
  • This service detects if a door is open. It requires an aperture angle where a door could be open and a maximum distance between sensor and the wall/door. It returns the position of the middle of the door with respect to /camera_link if a door is detected. Otherwise it returns position 0.

Test open_door_detector

By calling

roslaunch open_door_detector open_door_detector.launch

one can start the node open_door_detector which provides the detect_open_door service. By calling

rosservice call /detect_open_door [aperture_angle] [wall_distance]

one can call the service to detect a open door.

Wiki: open_door_detector (last edited 2013-12-19 15:27:39 by JohannesReisenberger)