• attachment:my_turtlebot2_wall_params.yaml of openai_ros/TurtleBot2 with openai_ros

Attachment 'my_turtlebot2_wall_params.yaml'


   1 turtlebot2: #namespace
   3     running_step: 0.04 # amount of time the control will be executed
   4     pos_step: 0.016     # increment in position for each command
   6     #qlearn parameters
   7     alpha: 0.1
   8     gamma: 0.7
   9     epsilon: 0.9
  10     epsilon_discount: 0.999
  11     nepisodes: 500
  12     nsteps: 10000
  13     number_splits: 10 #set to change the number of state splits for the continuous problem and also the number of env_variable splits
  15     # environment parameters
  16     running_step: 0.06 # Time for each step
  17     wait_time: 0.1 # Time to wait in the reset phases
  19     n_actions: 3 # We have 3 actions, Forwards,TurnLeft,TurnRight,Backwards
  20     n_observations: 6 # We have 6 different observations
  22     speed_step: 1.0 # Time to wait in the reset phases
  24     linear_forward_speed: 0.5 # Spwwed for ging fowards
  25     linear_turn_speed: 0.05 # Lienare speed when turning
  26     angular_speed: 0.3 # Angular speed when turning Left or Right
  27     init_linear_forward_speed: 0.0 # Initial linear speed in which we start each episode
  28     init_linear_turn_speed: 0.0 # Initial angular speed in shich we start each episode
  30     new_ranges: 5 # How many laser readings we jump in each observation reading, the bigger the less laser resolution
  31     min_range: 0.5 # Minimum meters below wich we consider we have crashed
  32     max_laser_value: 6 # Value considered Ok, no wall
  33     min_laser_value: 0 # Value considered there is an obstacle or crashed
  35     desired_pose:
  36       x: 5.0
  37       y: 0.0
  38       z: 0.0
  40     forwards_reward: 5 # Points Given to go forwards
  41     turn_reward: 1 # Points Given to turn as action
  42     end_episode_points: 200 # Points given when ending an episode

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  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:38:01, 45.6 KB) [[attachment:gym_computers2.png]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:38:11, 77.6 KB) [[attachment:gym_computers3.png]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:13:37, 5413.9 KB) [[attachment:maze_training.gif]]
  • [get | view] (2019-04-11 15:12:41, 4.8 KB) [[attachment:my_start_qlearning_wall_v2.py]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:02:54, 1.6 KB) [[attachment:my_turtlebot2_maze_params.yaml]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-02 10:26:36, 12.5 KB) [[attachment:my_turtlebot2_wall.py]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:24:41, 1.6 KB) [[attachment:my_turtlebot2_wall_params.yaml]]
  • [get | view] (2019-10-10 16:43:26, 2.1 KB) [[attachment:qlearn.py]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:16:23, 28.8 KB) [[attachment:reward1.png]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:55:23, 50.0 KB) [[attachment:ria_logo.png]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-02 10:18:02, 4.5 KB) [[attachment:start_qlearning.py]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:10:03, 0.4 KB) [[attachment:start_training.launch]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-02 10:24:21, 4.5 KB) [[attachment:start_training.py]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:26:18, 4.5 KB) [[attachment:start_training_wall.py]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 17:32:53, 339.6 KB) [[attachment:turtlebot2_maze.png]]
  • [get | view] (2019-04-11 15:12:53, 0.4 KB) [[attachment:turtlebot2_openai_qlearn_params_wall_v2.yaml]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-02 10:28:28, 20436.3 KB) [[attachment:turtlebot2_tut_maze.gif]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:20:02, 124.3 KB) [[attachment:turtlebot2_wall.png]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-02 10:27:55, 400.6 KB) [[attachment:turtlebot_maze_v2.png]]
  • [get | view] (2018-08-01 18:34:36, 3992.2 KB) [[attachment:wall_training.gif]]
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