Describe openhab_bridge/Tutorials/ExaminingTheopenhab_bridgeWithHABAppPython here.
import logging import HABApp from HABApp import Parameter from import ValueChangeEvent, ValueUpdateEvent from import ValueChangeEventFilter, ValueUpdateEventFilter from import ItemStateEvent from import ItemStateEventFilter from HABApp.core.items import Item from HABApp.openhab.items import OpenhabItem from HABApp.openhab.items import ColorItem, ContactItem, DatetimeItem, DimmerItem, GroupItem, ImageItem, LocationItem, NumberItem, PlayerItem, RollershutterItem, StringItem, SwitchItem import rospy from openhab_msgs.msg import ColorState, ContactState, DateTimeState, DimmerState, GroupState, ImageState, LocationState, NumberState, PlayerState, RollershutterState, StringState, SwitchState from openhab_msgs.msg import ColorCommand, ContactCommand, DateTimeCommand, DimmerCommand, ImageCommand, LocationCommand, NumberCommand, PlayerCommand, RollershutterCommand, StringCommand, SwitchCommand from dateutil import parser from datetime import datetime, timezone import base64 import io import cv2 #from imageio import imread from imageio.v2 import imread from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError from sensor_msgs.msg import Image import numpy as np log = logging.getLogger('openhab_bridge') log_state = Parameter('openhab_bridge', 'log_state', default_value=True).value class OpenHABBridge(HABApp.Rule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.bridge = CvBridge() for item in self.get_items(type=OpenhabItem): if type(item) is ColorItem: item.listen_event(self.ColorState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', ColorCommand, self.ColorCallback) elif type(item) is ContactItem: item.listen_event(self.ContactState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', ContactCommand, self.ContactCallback) elif type(item) is DatetimeItem: item.listen_event(self.DateTimeState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', DateTimeCommand, self.DateTimeCallback) elif type(item) is GroupItem: item.listen_event(self.GroupState, ItemStateEventFilter()) elif type(item) is DimmerItem: item.listen_event(self.DimmerState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', DimmerCommand, self.DimmerCallback) elif type(item) is ImageItem: item.listen_event(self.ImageState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', ImageCommand, self.ImageCallback) elif type(item) is LocationItem: item.listen_event(self.LocationState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', LocationCommand, self.LocationCallback) elif type(item) is NumberItem: item.listen_event(self.NumberState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', NumberCommand, self.NumberCallback) elif type(item) is PlayerItem: item.listen_event(self.PlayerState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', PlayerCommand, self.PlayerCallback) elif type(item) is RollershutterItem: item.listen_event(self.RollershutterState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', RollershutterCommand, self.RollershutterCallback) elif type(item) is StringItem: item.listen_event(self.StringState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', StringCommand, self.StringCallback) elif type(item) is SwitchItem: item.listen_event(self.SwitchState, ItemStateEventFilter()) rospy.Subscriber( f'/openhab/items/{}/command', SwitchCommand, self.SwitchCallback) rospy.spin() def ColorState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = ColorState() if value is None: msg.hue = 0 msg.saturation = 0 msg.brightness = 0 msg.isnull = True else:"is ColorItem") msg.hue = int(value[0]) msg.saturation = int(value[1]) msg.brightness = int(value[2]) msg.isnull = False pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', ColorState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def ContactState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = ContactState() if value is None: msg.state = "NULL" msg.isnull = True else:"is ContactItem") msg.isnull = False if value == "OPEN": msg.state = ContactState.OPEN elif value == "CLOSED": msg.state = ContactState.CLOSED pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', ContactState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def DateTimeState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = DateTimeState() if value is None: msg.state = 0 msg.isnull = True else:"is DatetimeItem") msg.isnull = False msg.state = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(value)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', DateTimeState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def DimmerState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = DimmerState() if value is None: msg.state = 0 msg.isnull = True else:"is DimmerItem") msg.isnull = False if 0 <= value <= 100: msg.state = int(value) pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', DimmerState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def GroupState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = GroupState() if value is None: msg.isnull = True else:"is GroupItem") msg.isnull = False pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', GroupState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def ImageState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = ImageState() if value is None:"numpy null image") msg.isnull = True cv2_img = np.zeros((100,100,3), dtype=np.uint8) else:"is ImageItem") msg.isnull = False if isinstance(value, bytes): img_bytes = value else: img_bytes = eval(value) # reconstruct image as an numpy array cv2_img = imread(io.BytesIO(img_bytes)) height, width, channels = cv2_img.shape"Got image with height %s, width %s and channels %s" % (height, width, channels)) #rospy.loginfo("Got image with height %s, width %s and channels %s" % (height, width, channels)) # finally convert RGB image to BGR for opencv cv2_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) try: converted = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv2_img, 'bgr8') except CvBridgeError as e: msg.state = converted pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', ImageState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def LocationState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = LocationState() if value is None: msg.latitude = 0 msg.longitude = 0 msg.altitude = 0 msg.isnull = True else:"is LocationItem") msg.isnull = False splitted = value.split(",") msg.latitude = float(splitted[0]) msg.longitude = float(splitted[1]) msg.altitude = float(splitted[2]) pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', LocationState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def NumberState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = NumberState() if value is None: msg.state = float(0) msg.isnull = True else:"is NumberItem") msg.isnull = False msg.state = value pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', NumberState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def PlayerState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = PlayerState() if value is None: msg.state = "NULL" msg.isnull = True else:"is PlayerItem") msg.isnull = False if value == "PLAY": msg.state = PlayerState.PLAY elif value == "PAUSE": msg.state = PlayerState.PAUSE elif value == "NEXT": msg.state = PlayerState.NEXT elif value == "PREVIOUS": msg.state = PlayerState.PREVIOUS elif value == "REWIND": msg.state = PlayerState.REWIND elif value == "FASTFORWARD": msg.state = PlayerState.FASTFORWARD pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', PlayerState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def RollershutterState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = RollershutterState() if value is None: msg.state = "NULL" msg.isstate = False msg.ispercentage = False msg.percentage = 0 msg.isnull = True else:"is RollershutterItem") msg.isnull = False if isinstance(value, int): msg.isstate = False msg.state = "NULL" msg.ispercentage = True if 0 <= value <= 100: msg.percentage = value elif isinstance(value, str): msg.isstate = True msg.ispercentage = False msg.percentage = 0 if value == "UP": msg.state = RollershutterState.UP elif value == "DOWN": msg.state = RollershutterState.DOWN elif value == "STOP": msg.state = RollershutterState.STOP elif value == "MOVE": msg.state = RollershutterState.MOVE pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', RollershutterState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def StringState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = StringState() if value is None: value = "NULL" msg.isnull = True else:"is StringItem") msg.isnull = False msg.state = str(value) pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', StringState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def SwitchState(self, event: ItemStateEvent): item = value = event.value msg = SwitchState() if value is None: msg.state = "NULL" msg.isnull = True else:"is SwitchItem") msg.isnull = False if value == "ON": msg.state = SwitchState.ON elif value == "OFF": msg.state = SwitchState.OFF pub = rospy.Publisher( f'/openhab/items/{item}/state', SwitchState, queue_size=1) for my_item in self.get_items(name=item): item_type = my_item if hasattr(item_type, 'last_update'): msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(parser.parse( str(item_type.last_update)).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) else: msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = "/base_link" msg.item = str(item) f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') rate = rospy.Rate(1) counter = 0 while counter < 1: # wait for a connection to publisher # you can do whatever you like here or simply do nothing connections = pub.get_num_connections() if connections > 0: rospy.loginfo( f'Published ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/state with {value}') pub.publish(msg) counter = counter + 1 else: rate.sleep() def ColorCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.iscommand == True: if data.command == ColorCommand.ON or data.command == ColorCommand.OFF or data.command == ColorCommand.INCREASE or data.command == ColorCommand.DECREASE: value = data.command else: value = None elif data.ispercentage == True: if 0 <= data.percentage <= 100: value = data.percentage elif data.ishsb == True: value = (data.hue, data.saturation, data.brightness) if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def ContactCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.command == ContactCommand.OPEN or data.command == ContactCommand.CLOSED: value = data.command if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') #self.oh.send_command(item, value) self.oh.post_update(item, value) def DateTimeCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.isnull == True: value = None else: value = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( data.command.to_sec()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.post_update(item, value) def DimmerCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.iscommand == True: if data.command == DimmerCommand.ON or data.command == DimmerCommand.OFF or data.command == DimmerCommand.INCREASE or data.command == DimmerCommand.DECREASE: value = data.command elif data.ispercentage == True: if 0 <= data.percentage <= 100: value = data.percentage if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def ImageCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.isnull == True: value = None else: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2( data.command, "bgr8") retval, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', cv_image) value = buffer.tobytes() rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') #self.oh.post_update(item, value) image = ImageItem(item) image.oh_post_update(value) def LocationCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.isnull == True: value = None else: value = str(data.latitude) + "," + \ str(data.longitude) + "," + str(data.altitude) rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def NumberCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.isnull == True: value = None else: value = float(data.command) rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def PlayerCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.command == PlayerCommand.PLAY or data.command == PlayerCommand.PAUSE or data.command == PlayerCommand.NEXT or data.command == PlayerCommand.PREVIOUS or data.command == PlayerCommand.REWIND or data.command == PlayerCommand.FASTFORWARD: value = data.command if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def RollershutterCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.iscommand == True: if data.command == RollershutterCommand.UP or data.command == RollershutterCommand.DOWN or data.command == RollershutterCommand.STOP or data.command == RollershutterCommand.MOVE: value = data.command elif data.ispercentage == True: if 0 <= data.percentage <= 100: value = data.percentage if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def StringCallback(self, data): item = data.item if isinstance(data.command, str): value = data.command if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) def SwitchCallback(self, data): item = data.item if data.command == SwitchCommand.ON or data.command == SwitchCommand.OFF: value = data.command else: value = None if data.isnull == True: value = None rospy.loginfo( f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') f'{rospy.get_caller_id()} Subscribed ROS topic /openhab/items/{item}/command with {value}') self.oh.send_command(item, value) class LogItemStateRule(HABApp.Rule): """This rule logs the item state in the mqtt event bus log file""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() for item in self.get_items(type=OpenhabItem): item.listen_event(self.on_item_change, ValueChangeEvent) def on_item_change(self, event): assert isinstance(event, ValueChangeEvent)'{} changed from {event.old_value} to {event.value}') OpenHABBridge() # Create logger rule only if configured if log_state: LogItemStateRule()