Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The p3dx_dpl package
- Maintainer: Lukas Jelinek <lukas.jelinek1 AT gmail DOT com>, Jiri Horner <laeqten AT gmail DOT com>
- Author:
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: master)
Data Processing Layer (DPL) is a second layer in experimental robotic stack. The main task of this package is to fuse multiple sources of data from HAL. The output from nodes in DPL are standard higher level messages like nav_msgs/Odometry,sensor_msgs/PointCloud...
For more information about whole experimental robot stack and ideas behind DPL please see our repo readme.
In DPL we use robot_localization package for fusion of IMU data and calculate wheel odometry. In current state we use our own fork of this package with some bug fixes. Please download and compile it from our repository.
This motor driver is suitable for differential driven robot. Received data are in form of geometry_msgs/Twist and transformed into angular speeds for left and right wheels.Subscribed Topics
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)- reads messages from
Published Topics
hal/leftMotor/setVel (std_msgs/Float64)- angular speed of left wheel in m/s
- angular speed of right wheel in m/s
This node calculates forward velocity and angular speed around Z axis of the robot with differential drive.Subscribed Topics
hal/leftMotor/getState (sensor_msgs/JointState)- uses joint position
- uses joint position
Published Topics
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)Parameters
~frameIDodom (string, default: odom)- frame_id which is used in nav_msgs/Odometry
- topic where is nav_msgs/Odometry message published
This node merges accelerometer and gyroscope data into complete sensor_msgs/Imu message.
Creates tf transformation between odom frame and robot's base link.Parameters
~frameIDodom (string, default: odom)- frame_id which is used in nav_msgs/Odometry
- topic where is nav_msgs/Odometry message published