This package is based on package p2os_urdf. This package contains URDF model of robot Pioneer3dx with laser scaner, 16 ultrasonic sensors, 10 bumpers, gyroscope, accelerometer and camera. All names of links contain special format of names which is decribed below. This URDF file should be used with V-REP model of Pioneer3dx found in our github repo.


  • Robot links use this naming convention:
    • robot_id/node_name(category of sensors)/sensor + number from 0 to n example:
      • 0/ultrasonicSensors/sensor0
    FOR JOINTS (non fixed):
    • robot_id/node_name(category e.g. arm,base)/joint + number from 0 to n example:
      • 0/base/joint0
    • robot_id/part_name example:
      • 0/top_plate
  • Parameter robot_id is set in top level xacro script. It must include / at the end of indetifier (robot_id=p3dx/)
  • This parameter is NOT good substitution for tf_prefix. It should be used in case there is need for specific namespace.

Wiki: p3dx_urdf_model (last edited 2015-04-28 08:26:05 by LukasJelinek)