
Here's a short video to show what the package does and outputs in rviz.


This package uses openni_kinect so make sure you have it already installed on your system.

  • 0 You might want to modify launch/kinect.launch as follows if the package trainer isn't found:

    <node pkg="rviz" name="rviz" type="rviz" args="display-config $(find ppl_detection)/kinect_detect.vcg"/>
    1 Run the driver and rviz using the following command:
    roslaunch ppl_detection kinect.launch
    2 Run the people detection node:
    rosrun ppl_detection kinect_detect

Also you may have to modify c++ code when runtime error (e.g. segmentation fault) occurs. QA threads like this might be of help.


Now that the nodes are running, the output can be viewed on rviz that was just launched. In rviz, a human would be labelled as human(green text) and a green polygon would be placed around the human's pointclouds. The number beside the human label is the tracking number of that particular human. For any other object, it would be labelled as non-human(red text).

In addition to visualization, the node also publishes a topic called people which contains information about the tracking number, xyz location and distance of the human from the kinect.


Depending on your environment, you might need to install ros-electric-perception-pcl (see dependencies page up in this page or manifest.xml).

Wiki: ppl_detection (last edited 2011-12-18 21:00:11 by IsaacSaito)