This package has not been reviewed, so the API documented below should be considered unstable. Also, this package has not been user-tested, so there may be usability issues with the nodes.
Please see the finger tip pressure sensors we are simulating on the PR2 hardware.
Note: All nodes assume that <gripper_motor_name> is either r_gripper_motor or l_gripper_motor.
Publishes sensor geometry, tf frame and unit scaling information.Subscribed Topics
"l_gripper_l_finger_tip_bumper/state" (gazebo_plugins/ContactState)- Contact states from gazebo simulation plugin (gazebo_ros_bumper) for the left arm left finger tip
- Contact states from gazebo simulation plugin (gazebo_ros_bumper) for the left arm right finger tip
- Contact states from gazebo simulation plugin (gazebo_ros_bumper) for the right arm left finger tip
- Contact states from gazebo simulation plugin (gazebo_ros_bumper) for the right arm right finger tip
Published Topics
/pressure/<gripper_motor_name>_info (fingertip_pressure/PressureInfo)- For each sensor, the tf frame is specified, and for each pressure sensing element, a scaling factor to Newtons, and rectangular geometry approximation are provided.
Launch files
To test this node:
rosrun pr2_fingertip_contact_translator