1.0.7 (Forthcoming)
1.0.6 (2010-11-24)
Check number of cores. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4850)>>
1.0.5 (2010-10-20)
No longer enforce clock speeds for c2 CPU's. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4774)>>
Prosilica camera will now respawn. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4776)>>
1.0.4 (2010-10-08)
Adding warning if temp check thread restarted. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4171)>>
Make cpu load thresholds parameters. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4641)>>
Report usable warning message for CPU Usage. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4640)>>
Corrected the max_exposure and period computation for cameras in IgnoreProjector mode to fix <<Ticket(ros-pkg 4339)>>.
- Corrected the waveforms that are generated for low frame rates; they had been causing some unexpected extra triggerings.
- Corrected the waveforms so that maximum exposure in alternating mode does not cause textured light to appear in the untextured image streams.
- Added self-tests that actually check the waveforms for a predetermined set of configurations.
- Added a tool to plot exposure, trigger and projector waveforms. Useful for debugging and understanding how the cameras are working.
1.0.3 (2010-08-09)
Replace deprecated rosrecord with rosbag <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4611)>>
Fixes for pr2_computer_monitor for Stale reporting of CPU temp. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4171)>>
- Use namespaced versions of multitrigger controllers
Set timeout for joint-stuck-warning to 30 seconds. It takes 29 seconds for the spine to calibrate in the worst case. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4425)>>
1.0.2 (2010-07-14)
pr2_computer_monitor nodes now use "c1" or "c2" for computer names. Analyzers file now looks for NTP monitors for both computers. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 3938)>>
Diagnostic analyzers now load using C-turtle API. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4526)>>
- Fix for auto arm selection in calibration
Unused functionality deprecated. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4525)>> handles removable hard drives correctly. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4368)>> reads from mpstat correctly. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4539)>>
1.0.1 (2010-06-28)
Add package name to controller plugin namespace. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4469)>>
Show output of pr2_etherCAT on screen. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4369)>>
Fix problem where torso holding controller didn't come down. <<Ticket(wg-ros-pkg 4478)>>
1.0.0 (2010-06-11)
- PR2 calibration
- Calibration offset is stored on MCBs to maintain calibration state in between runs
- Robust against missing joints
- Publish diagnostics information
- Monitor power state during calibration
- Fix problem where arms get stuck during calibration
- Realtime loop
- Only warn for serious overruns of control loop
- Controllers
- New controller gains that allow for much higher precision
- New base controller that supports damping of caster rotation
- Camera Synchronizer
- New tool to plot waveforms