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GUI Control

Description: Control the qbmove through a simple GUI

Keywords: qbrobotics qbmove control

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Waypoint Control

This control mode is the one suggested to test that everything is working as expected. You are able to move the qbmove shaft position and its stiffness interactively, but nothing more than this.

Note that you will probably need this only the very first times and for debugging.

To start this mode just add use_controller_gui:=true to the general roslaunch command (be sure that the opposite use_waypoints is not used).

After a while a GUI should appear to screen with two empty dropdown menus, a red enable button below them, and a speed scaling slider at the bottom.

  1. Select the Controller Manager namespace from the left menu, e.g. /<robot_namespace>/control/controller_manager (where <robot_namespace> is an additional argument of the launch file needed with several devices). This enables the right menu which provides all the controllers available for the connected device.

  2. Select the qbmove controller from the second dropdown menu and enable it through the circular button.

  3. Two slider will appear in the GUI: the first controls the shaft position (which ranges respectively within the shaft position limits expressed in radians), while the second sets the stiffness preset, which ranges from 0 (lowest stiffness) to 1 (highest stiffness). You can also vary the speed through the bottom _speed scaling_ slider if you like a faster/slower motion. No other timing constraints can be set in this mode.


Wiki: qb_move_control/Tutorials/GUI Control (last edited 2018-06-04 11:08:19 by AlessandroTondo)