DEPRECATED: This package is considered deprecated by its authors. See the ecto package at for the current approach.
The rein (REcognition INfrastructure) package contains a framework that is supposed to make the addition of new vision algorithms that work on the PR2 much simpler. The recognition infrastructure contains the following main components:
Attention Operator - takes an image and (optionally) a point cloud as input and generates masks and/or regions of interest (ROI) in the image
Detector - takes an image and optionally a point cloud and a list of ROIs or masks and generates detections. A detection is a ROS message that contains the name of the detected object (label), the name of the detector that found the object, a confidence score, a mask/ROI in the image and an optional pose of the object.
Pose estimator/Model fitter - takes as input a point cloud and/or image, a list of detection and (optionally) a list of approximate poses and computes/refines the 6D poses of each detected object
Framework design
The framework is split in two main components, a ROS-independent one containing the vision algorithms doing the actual work and one that contains ROS wrappers around those algorithms and exposes them as nodelets. Using nodelets allows the algorithms to be dynamically (un)loadable and offers optimizations for zero-copy cost of Boost shared_ptr messages between different nodelets that are part of the same process.
Algorithms API
This part of the package contains the ROS-independent algorithms. The framework has base classes for attention operators, detectors and pose estimators that are wrapped by the ROS nodelets. Each new algorithm that is added to the pipeline will have to inherit from one of these classes.
The rein::AttentionOperator represents the base class for attention operators. An attention operator takes as input an image and/or point cloud to compute interesting regions in the image. The output of an attention operator is a list of regions of interest (ROI) and masks. The rein::AttentionOperator has the following pure virtual methods which have to be implemented by a subclass.
An attention operator also has the following getter/setter methods.
The ROS nodelet will automatically call these getter/setter methods to set the input image/point cloud and to get the resulting masks after the attention operator has run.
The rein::Detector represents the base class for detectors. A detector takes as input an image and/or point cloud and/or some regions of interest and detects the objects present in the image/point cloud. The output of a detector is a list of detections (rein/Detection).The rein::Detector has the following pure virtual methods which have to be implemented by a subclass.
A detector also has the following getter/setter methods. These are automatically called by the ROS wrapper.
The rein::PoseEstimator represents the base class for pose estimator algorithms. A pose estimator takes as input an image and/or point cloud and/or a list of detections and computes/refines the poses of the objects in the image/point cloud. The output of a pose estimator is a list of poses. The rein::PoseEstimator has the following pure virtual methods which have to be implemented by a subclass.
A pose estimator also has the following getter/setter methods. These are automatically called by the ROS wrapper.
The rein::Trainable is an interface that must be implemented by all the algorithms (usually detectors) that support online training. The interface contains the following pure virtual methods:
1 void startTraining(const std::string& name) = 0; // called when training of a new object model starts
2 void trainInstance(const std::string& name, const TrainingData& data) = 0; // called for each training instance
3 void endTraining(const std::string& name) = 0; // called when training is finished, usually to save the model
The rein::ModelStorage is an interface that different algorithms can use to persist models. It may have several implementations, one of them being rein::ModelDatabase, that uses a database (postgresql and sqlite3 are currently supported) for persistence. The interface has the following methods:
1 virtual void saveModel(const std::string& name, const std::string& detector, const std::string& model_blob) = 0;
2 virtual bool loadModel(const std::string& name, const std::string& detector, std::string& model_blob) = 0;
3 virtual bool getModelList(const std::string& detector, std::vector<std::string>& model_list) = 0;
ROS Nodelets
The ROS nodelets wrap the ROS-independent algorithms and take care of subscribing to topics, synchronizing the messages on the input topics, publishing the results and setting the algorithm parameters using the dynamic reconfigure framework. Each algorithm will have a nodelet wrapper. Several base nodelet classes are provided for each type of algorithm presented above, which simplifies the process of writing new nodelets.
Subscribed Topics
~/image (sensor_msgs/Image)
- The input image
- The input point cloud
Published Topics
~/masks (rein/MaskArray)
- Masks for each region of interest on the input image.
- Regions of interest on the input image
~/use_image (bool, default: True)
- Indicates if the algorithm needs an image (if the nodelet should subscribe to ~/image topic)
- Indicates if the algorithm needs a point cloud, if the nodelet should subscribe to ~/point_cloud topic
- Indicates if the image and point_cloud topics need exact synchronization or approximate synchronization. For example in the case of the stereo textured light projector the clean images and the textured images/dense point clouds will have different time stamps. If a clean image and a corresponding dense point cloud is desired, approximate synchronization will have to be used.
- Configures the subscribers' queue size.
Subscribed Topics
~/image (sensor_msgs/Image)
- The input image
- Masks of the regions in the input image where detection should be performed.
- The input point cloud
Published Topics
~/detections (rein/DetectionArray)
- Vector of detections found in the image
- Vector of masks for the detections found in the image.
- Vector poses of the objects detected
~/use_image (bool, default: True)
- Indicates if the algorithm needs an image (if the nodelet should subscribe to ~/image topic)
- Indicates if the algorithm needs a point cloud, if the nodelet should subscribe to ~/point_cloud topic
- Indicates if masks on the input image are available and can be used to restrict the region of the image on which the detector should run.
- Configures the subscribers' queue size.
Subscribed Topics
~/image (sensor_msgs/Image)
- The input image
- The input point cloud
- Array of detections in the input image.
Published Topics
~/poses (geometry_msgs/PoseArray)
- The computed/refined poses for the detected objects
~/use_image (bool, default: True)
- Indicates if the algorithm needs an image (if the nodelet should subscribe to ~/image topic)
- Indicates if the algorithm needs a point cloud, if the nodelet should subscribe to ~/point_cloud topic
- Indicates if the pose estimation algorithm should make use of/has available the detections found in the input image/point cloud
- Configures the subscribers' queue size.
The rein::TrainerServer class is a 'server' class that when instantiated by a node/nodelet advertises three services which can be used to train a new detector. The detector to be trained must implement the rein::Trainable interface and is passed as a parameter to the constructor of TrainerServer.
Services advertised
~/start_training (rein/StartTraining)
- Called when the training of a new model is started
- Called for each instance that is used to train the new model
- Called when the training of the new model is finished. Usually this triggers the saving of the model.