Robots Tutorials
- Stand alone single robot operation
This tutorial aims to instruct the beginner user how to operate the robot in its first use.
- Calibrating the robot IMU
This tutorial explains how to calibrate the robot IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit)
- Calibrating the robot RC
This tutorial explains how to calibrate the robot RC (Remote Control)
- Launch and control multiple robots from a remote machine
This tutorial explain how to launch and control multiple robots from a remote computer
- Network setup for controlling multiple robots from a remote machine
This tutorial cover the required setup for controlling multiple robots from a remote computer
- Controlling the Komodo arm
This tutorial explains how to operate the Komodo robot arm.
- Programming the robot micro-controller
This tutorial explains how to re-upload the code to the robot micro-controller (Atduino DUE).
- Robot installation
This tutorial covers the required steps for installing the robot software on a new computer.
- Running the Komodo\Lizi gazebo simulation
This tutorial covers the required steps for running the Komodo gazebo simulation
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