API review
Proposer: Ken Conley
Present at review:
- List reviewers
Question / concerns / comments
Enter your thoughts on the API and any questions / concerns you have here. Please sign your name. Anything you want to address in the API review should be marked down here before the start of the meeting.
kwc: As with any messages-related review, it's pretty gory. I've proposed and ticketed new manipulation, nav, and visualization message packages to offload some of the messages. I've also proposed to reinstate an experimental_msgs package to contain some future robot_msgs that are not ready for release yet. Of the remaining messages, about half I marked as 'ok' under my own intuition and half I'm still unsure about. robot_msgs has a tricky inclusion criteria that we should perhaps debate, but my general notion was:
- robot-generic
- common, shared concepts that are unspecific to a particular stack
- actual, widespread use
- stable
As prcore will necessarily need to be our most stable stack, it is important that robot_msgs not be a source of instability.
Naming Issue?:
- Point vs. Point32 (point is 64-bit)
Messages that depend on deprecated_msgs:
- OccMap2D (service-only message, can be changed)
MapMetaData (service-only message, can be changed)
- Planner2DGoal (volatile message, can be changed, moving to nav_msgs)
- Planner2DState (volatile message, can be changed, moving to nav_msgs)
- Polyline2D (can be changed? moving to visualization_msgs)
VisualizationMarker (can be changed? moving to visualization_msgs) (Might be nice if it uses TransformStamped. --Stu)
ok for inclusion, though must be reviewed:
ControllerState.msg (conor, for highlevel_controllers API)
- OccMap2D.msg
Point.msg (Do we want separate Point and Vector3 messages? --Stu)
Pose.msg (Do we want to keep both Pose and Transform? --Stu)
- Quaternion.msg
- Transform.msg
- Vector3.msg
Twist.msg (Definite keeper. --Stu)
Wrench.msg (Definite keeper. --Stu)
Remove (difficult):
Acceleration.msg (Remove. Replaced by Vector3. --Stu)
AngularAcceleration.msg (Remove. Also replaced by Vector3. --Stu)
AngularVelocity.msg (Remove. Vector3. --Stu)
PoseDDot.msg (Remove. Replaced by Twist. --Stu)
PoseDot.msg (Remove. Replaced by Twist. --Stu)
PoseWithRatesStamped.msg (Replace with a message that uses the Twist msg instead of PoseDot. --Stu)
Velocity.msg (Remove. Replaced by Vector3. --Stu) -- I'm not sure I agree with all of this block. Stu's proposals lose a lot of type information. --Tully
ActuatorState.msg (Add a 'zero_offset' field. Needed to convert encoder data into joint angles --Vijay)
AudioRawStream.msg (audio_capture?)
CollisionMap.msg (manip?)
JointTraj.msg (manip?)
JointTrajPoint.msg (manip?)
OrientedBoundingBox.msg (goes with CollisionMap)
- Point32.msg
- Polygon3D.msg
PoseConstraint.msg (manip?)
PositionMeasurement.msg (people tracking)
Messages to remove or find a home for:
- VOPose
joint_qualification_controllers http://wgs10.willowgarage.com/trac/personalrobots/ticket/1025
- Ioan and Sachin will migrate to these, someday. When they do, they can be moved back to robot_msgs
TrajectoryPoint.msg (unused)
RobotTrajectory.msg (unused)
mocap_msgs (phase_space, openrave_planning):
nav_msgs http://wgs10.willowgarage.com/trac/personalrobots/ticket/1024
- Planner2DGoal
- Planner2DState
foo_manipulation_msgs http://wgs10.willowgarage.com/trac/personalrobots/ticket/1020:
- Table
- Door
JointTraj.msg (manip?)
JointTrajPoint.msg (manip?)
visualization_msgs http://wgs10.willowgarage.com/trac/personalrobots/ticket/1023
- Polyline2D
Meeting agenda
To be filled out by proposer based on comments gathered during API review period
Package status change mark change manifest)
Action items that need to be taken.
Major issues that need to be resolved