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View camera images

Description: A guide on how to view camera images from Robotino using the image_view package.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


Launch robotino_node

If the robotino_node hasn't been launched already, then launch it as follows:

roslaunch robotino_node robotino_node.launch

The images should be published on the image_raw* topic.

Run image_view

To view the images from the default camera on Robotino, run the following command:

rosrun image_view image_view image:=image_raw

To view images from other cameras (1, 2, or 3) replace image_raw with image_raw1, image_raw2 or image_raw3

Wiki: robotino_node/Tutorials/View camera images (last edited 2012-01-17 10:05:19 by HozefaIndorewala)