The AIS Bonn Roomrider Driver
General Information
Roomrider is one of the teaching and research robot platforms at AIS Bonn. It is currently equipped with a S300 Professional laser scanner from SICK(R), a notebook for some computational power, and last but not least a Roomba530 from iRobot(R). |
Getting started
Make sure that all dependencies are satisfied:
rosmake roomrider_driver
Run the node:
rosrun roomrider_driver roomrider_driver
Test your iRobot Roomba500 sensors and actuators:
roslaunch roomrider_driver roomrider_test.launch
Subscribed Topics
/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)- Motion commands to roomrider.
- Control roomrider leds.
Published Topics
/power (roomrider_driver/Power)- Information about current and temperature.
- Cliff and light sensors.
- Bumper sensors.
- Wheeldrop sensors.
- Infrared sensor for virtual wall and base.
- Position and velocity of roomrider in free space.
~safe_mode (int, default: 1)- Roomba safe mode, otherwise full mode.
- If set to 1, will print debug messages.
- Port connected to roomrider.